Message from @Shadow town

Discord ID: 801454381878083614

2021-01-20 14:08:47 UTC  

With Obama we didn't have SITTING REPRESENTATIVES talking openly of lists of the opposition, reeducation camps and "truth and reconciliation committees"

2021-01-20 14:09:49 UTC  

The issue with liberals now compared to with Obama is they are say we should be put in re education camps and that’s what the nàzis said to the people about prison camps leftist are banning us for no reason like fascist

2021-01-20 14:09:57 UTC  

Nah you just had Republicans calling him a muslim who took the oath on the Quran, hanging and burning puppets of him and threatening terror attacks against him because he wasnt an American

2021-01-20 14:10:19 UTC  

We also didn't have the level of censorship taking place like we do now. The silencing of different views and getting away with it is setting a very dangerous precident.

2021-01-20 14:10:33 UTC  

The only bad I see coming for sure is the economy not helping normal people and illegal immigrants being let in.

2021-01-20 14:10:37 UTC  

The time before last when we had dems in charge we got the utterly stupid "Assault Weapons Ban". They banned the firearms used LEAST in homicides, idiots.

2021-01-20 14:10:52 UTC  

Liberals are literally threatening our lives

2021-01-20 14:11:29 UTC  

And the left made movies about assassinating Bush II ... blah,blah, blah

2021-01-20 14:11:32 UTC  

Liberals have just ruin countless baby’s lives and children’s lives by what they are doing

2021-01-20 14:11:33 UTC  

delete all pro trump posts off your social media

2021-01-20 14:11:48 UTC  

See, nothing has changed lmao

2021-01-20 14:11:48 UTC  

emphasis on **literally**

2021-01-20 14:11:57 UTC  

No, stand by Trump. Damn them to hell!

2021-01-20 14:12:12 UTC  

Prison camps is a threat

2021-01-20 14:12:40 UTC  

unfollow all people affiliated with trump on social media

2021-01-20 14:12:45 UTC  

Do democrats wanna abolish prisons or make prison camps because im confused on the narrative

2021-01-20 14:12:47 UTC  

A list and the “kill republicans” shirt is a threat

2021-01-20 14:12:50 UTC  

The rhetoric has dialed up considerably from the left

2021-01-20 14:13:05 UTC  

Why? They'll ban you anyways

2021-01-20 14:13:17 UTC  

Obviously you believe that

2021-01-20 14:13:34 UTC  

Abolish prisons but put conservatives in prison camps and kill them for their beliefs

2021-01-20 14:13:42 UTC  

No to the abolish prisons and the "Squad" yesterday did indeed talk about re-education camps for trumpo supporters

2021-01-20 14:14:09 UTC  

Obama also didn't agestay anay attackay onay ethay apitolcay.

2021-01-20 14:14:14 UTC  

they arent going to be able to reeducate us. we are tough as nail and wont submit to any torture

2021-01-20 14:14:16 UTC  

Just told you how is different. The left is attacking supporters now, not just the president.

2021-01-20 14:14:18 UTC  

Big tech acts like a 3 yr old

2021-01-20 14:14:26 UTC  

The facts support it for those who wish to look at the facts

2021-01-20 14:14:31 UTC  

I think it says enough

2021-01-20 14:14:58 UTC  

if what you were saying made any sense, cant people have their own opinions despite being in the same political party?

2021-01-20 14:14:59 UTC  

he never accepted it but there is nothing he can do

2021-01-20 14:15:07 UTC  


2021-01-20 14:15:10 UTC  

I believe it all because liberals are insane enough to do it

2021-01-20 14:15:11 UTC  

No, you're on the right... you would never believe the right is pushing the same violence you accuse the left off. Just as someone on the left wouldnt

2021-01-20 14:15:17 UTC  

Be wary of what you learn in school.

2021-01-20 14:15:18 UTC  

you give them too much credit

2021-01-20 14:15:19 UTC  

Yeah cause we’re all fucked and overrated, I think I’m gonna be sick and it’s your fault this is the end of everything THIS IS THE END OF EVERY THIIINNNGGG

2021-01-20 14:15:47 UTC  

if biden ends up fucking up the country lets just let all the "moderates" who voted for him lay in that bed

2021-01-20 14:15:53 UTC  

Guys its done where stuck with sleepy Joe for 4 years

2021-01-20 14:15:53 UTC  

Y'all literally have to invent sources of right wing violence. That's proof positive we aren't the problem

2021-01-20 14:16:00 UTC  

Says the pineapple pizza man

2021-01-20 14:16:10 UTC  

I found this quote a few weeks ago. I think its fitting for our current situation