Message from @OperatorGhost6

Discord ID: 800406577583620126

2021-01-17 16:42:02 UTC  

I'm not debating.

2021-01-17 16:42:14 UTC  


2021-01-17 16:43:04 UTC  


2021-01-17 16:44:40 UTC  

What happens when Biden is the POTUS on the 20th and you world comes crumbling down. Poor bastards ☹️

2021-01-17 16:45:00 UTC  

im not funny come with it since you know so much bring it

2021-01-17 16:46:09 UTC  

I already brought it with 81 million close friends

2021-01-17 16:46:37 UTC  

Be careful the dead might haunt u

2021-01-17 16:46:39 UTC  

whats really going too happen is when these snowflakes get hit in the head with a brick of truth and say what in fn hell just happened

2021-01-17 16:46:55 UTC  

Huntergate, Spygate., Pizzagate, Italygate,. Whats next.? Stop wasting your time on lunatics..

2021-01-17 16:47:15 UTC  

Umm all the documents have been declassified but go off.

2021-01-17 16:47:49 UTC  

Trump locking children in cages already haunts me. Position filled

2021-01-17 16:48:17 UTC  

🤣🤣🤣🤣 what cages?? Could u send me a picture of said cages from trumps time in office?

2021-01-17 16:48:29 UTC  

im already walking with the dead im the one that put them there so now what im the reaper

2021-01-17 16:48:44 UTC  

I heard Hillarygate is next

2021-01-17 16:48:59 UTC  

Trump is taking a 200 +Million check .. i think he did well in this 4 years.

2021-01-17 16:49:14 UTC  

First Biden gets the 25th. Then Kamala makes Hillary her VP. Then she resigns.

2021-01-17 16:49:20 UTC  

That’s old news god it’s like y’all just started watching the news and politics this year. Oh wait that’s true

2021-01-17 16:49:20 UTC  

woke china retards

2021-01-17 16:49:47 UTC  

Then Hillary can be President for 10 years.

2021-01-17 16:49:53 UTC  

@OperatorGhost6 why so afraid of Russia..???

2021-01-17 16:49:58 UTC  

that dont know what lies come out there mouths

2021-01-17 16:50:37 UTC  

I wonder which one will take it in the ass from China first. What happens when the military are told to stand down against China and the conservatives are stripped of their weapons? Oh yeah y’all have no one to protect u

2021-01-17 16:50:40 UTC  

im not afraid of russia who said that

2021-01-17 16:51:12 UTC  

Where was the meeting with BLM to help change the world y’all were talking about? Oh yeah he left them on read like a booty call

2021-01-17 16:51:13 UTC  

@OperatorGhost6 you commander in chief.. Putin was his best allied

2021-01-17 16:51:18 UTC  

The GOP can't win again once we add 26 justices to the supreme court

2021-01-17 16:51:31 UTC  

Thanks for the votes see y’all again at the next social justice protest before polling

2021-01-17 16:51:35 UTC  

Happy Sunday, Everyone! I was doing some research when I ran across this disturbing article. While it doesn't surprise me, is nonetheless terrifying.

2021-01-17 16:51:39 UTC  

try and take my guns lol oh loard you really should know who we are

2021-01-17 16:51:49 UTC  

Plus we have to give all the farms to China then they can't control cities anymore

2021-01-17 16:52:17 UTC  

The chinese can just keep whatever guns they find whatever

2021-01-17 16:52:26 UTC  

I hope not! I live on a farm!!!

2021-01-17 16:52:28 UTC  

China is our friend. Everything we buy is from china.

2021-01-17 16:52:35 UTC  

Youll run out of bullets theres a trillion of them

2021-01-17 16:52:49 UTC  

Wow would u mind looking up the word fascism for me? Oh and can’t use Wikipedia as your source

2021-01-17 16:53:33 UTC  

not going too happen

2021-01-17 16:53:49 UTC  

I agree with u @OperatorGhost6

2021-01-17 16:54:04 UTC  

you dont even know who i am retard

2021-01-17 16:54:12 UTC  

Storming the capitol of the country to stop a lawful election and install a dictator. - Fascism

2021-01-17 16:54:22 UTC  

@Farmersdaughter thanks will watch later

2021-01-17 16:54:40 UTC  

Again You didn’t look up the term and what it means.