Message from @>NAME GOES HERE<
Discord ID: 800505828527308820
Trump supporters can be so fucking daft sometimes
Hmmm.... armed "Boog" protest in Frankford, KY at the State Capitol Building doing BLM chants. But the FBI told me this was groups of armed right wingers...🤔
>masked "woke" hippies
>right wing extremists
And i forgot the pink hair
lmao wtf
Tha fuck are they even protesting
A jogger didn't even get gatted
That's literally impossible
nah as long as it adds up to 360 it's fine
And he's not wearing a mask as well <:Pepe_ragereee:562563646690033685>
I thought black people cant swim
He's not swimming, he's standing on the bottom
Tfw the DC cops accidentally catch a glowie about to do glowie stuff.