Message from @JonM16

Discord ID: 799284235143741470

2021-01-14 13:59:59 UTC  

I actually think he was very controlled, considering the situation he was in & only being 17. If that’s not self defence I don’t know what is 🤷🏼‍♀️

2021-01-14 14:00:17 UTC  

That dude was surgical

2021-01-14 14:05:17 UTC  

The ONLY problem that I see of him is that many States have written into their "Self Defense laws" that the person claiming Self Defense can have ZERO fault in the confrontation. Now, having said that some of those same State's will say you can still claim self defense if you attempted to escape the situation (which based on what I have seen he was trying to escape).

I watched the preliminary hearing and the cop that testified helped Rittenhouse a lot. Unless there is other video evidence that we have no seen yet then I can't imagine he would be convicted of anything other than a gun issue (17 running around the streets with a long rifle is, generally speaking, illegal)

So, if I were on the jury there is no way I could convict him based on the evidence I have seen so far.

2021-01-14 14:10:47 UTC  

I thought they dropped the gun charge?

2021-01-14 14:12:05 UTC  

The only fault of his in thr confrontation was from extinguishing a fire

2021-01-14 14:12:11 UTC  

Yes I agree with you. From what we have seen he was certainly trying to run away. The extra problems of the situation was him being 17, over state lines during a curfew, but I don’t believe the gun crossed state lines. It’s a shame that a case like this can become so political. This latest nonsense about him having a picture doing the ‘white power sign’ is ridiculous. Why do we have the 👌🏼 emoji if that is the case?

2021-01-14 14:12:53 UTC  

Yes I did hear that, right outside a gas station wasn’t it?

2021-01-14 14:13:34 UTC  

Yeah they were rolling the engulfed dumpster towards a gas pump

2021-01-14 14:13:44 UTC  

Rittenhouse did a drive by with the extinguisher

2021-01-14 14:13:54 UTC  

Then they started chasing him

2021-01-14 14:14:18 UTC  

...people dont just chase you for wearing a gun. Even leftists arent completely retarded.

2021-01-14 14:18:30 UTC  

Better not pull something

2021-01-14 14:18:45 UTC  


2021-01-14 14:21:35 UTC  

Federal Law says it’s legal at 17:

2021-01-14 14:22:07 UTC  

I dont think it matters if he crossed state lines with a gun or not - I mean it could be a federal office. BUT just the State itself can make it illegal for a minor to possess a gun inside a city. I know its illegal here in TN. The only exemption is being on private property OR actively participating in a "juvenile hunt" with an adult without a gun supervising.... clearly he was NOT hunting.

2021-01-14 14:22:10 UTC  

I had heard it was another one with similar clothing

2021-01-14 14:22:59 UTC  

Are you certain the adult supervision exemption only applies to hunting?

2021-01-14 14:26:05 UTC  

That's not gonna apply... you have to look at the entire Armed Forces section.... but he was not in a militia and made not declaration as such. It just wont be a defense.

2021-01-14 14:26:54 UTC  

It does HERE in my State. But it really doesnt matter.... he was not hunting. So laws addressing hunting simply won't apply.

2021-01-14 14:30:11 UTC  

No it would. You DON’T have to be apart of the NG or Military

“(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, [OR] who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.”
-10 USC Code 246

2021-01-14 14:41:35 UTC  

Yes. I know. But you have to file a declaration... you have to be a part of an "organized militia" so go to that chapter of the US code the Armed Forces chapter and read the definition of some of the major terms like "declaration" and "organized militia"

2021-01-14 14:54:35 UTC  

And unorganized?

2021-01-14 14:57:14 UTC  

Just like any asshole with a camera is press, any asshole with a gun is militia. Thats the whole purpose of it

2021-01-14 15:05:03 UTC  

No, not really. Most of those terms are defined in the Armed Forces section of the US Code.

2021-01-14 17:32:02 UTC  

NBC News: Kyle Rittenhouse, out on bail, flashed white power signs at a bar, prosecutors say.

2021-01-14 17:33:14 UTC  

He flashed the okay sign. Not the white power symbol. It’s the 👌🏼 emoji

2021-01-14 17:33:56 UTC  

Lol.. yes and then was singing the proud boys anthem

2021-01-14 17:34:57 UTC  

Its no longer an ok sign. Like the nazy swastika is no longer a symbol of peace

2021-01-14 17:35:37 UTC  

Oh my god

2021-01-14 17:35:52 UTC  

You people can’t just change symbols or words when it suits you

2021-01-14 17:36:30 UTC  

He is obviously not your regular . School boy they try to portrait.

2021-01-14 17:36:55 UTC  

I didnt society did

2021-01-14 17:37:13 UTC  

This is an example of why I despise the media with a deep, dark passion. The fact that they threw the knowingly bogus “white power sign” into the headline and article in order to be inflammatory and to skew public opinion on this kid shows us why we are so divided as a country.

2021-01-14 17:38:33 UTC  

It wasnt bogus. Look at the picture. The guy on his right have the 👌by his legs . Who makes an ok sign next to legs.

2021-01-14 17:40:07 UTC  

And then signs the proud boys anthem if he is not approving their ideology

2021-01-14 17:40:28 UTC  

He’s holding his beer?

2021-01-14 17:40:32 UTC  

Except people that **aren’t** white supremacists used it as a joke to prove that liberals would believe anything, which is obviously true as we see here.

2021-01-14 17:40:49 UTC  

Like 80 percent of the guys on my ship in the navy did it all the time. So yes, people do hold that sign up all the time and not to symbolize white power.

2021-01-14 17:41:49 UTC  

This is preposterous. How are you single digit IQs still drinking this kool aid from the MSM?

2021-01-14 17:41:58 UTC  

The Proud Boys are not white supremacist. They are a diverse group led by an Afro-Cuban from Miami.