Message from @bunny_foofoo9

Discord ID: 798411244976865320

2021-01-12 04:00:21 UTC  

I'd prefer that if possible.

2021-01-12 04:00:36 UTC  

Generally that's NSFL stuff, as she literally dies in the video.

2021-01-12 04:02:10 UTC  


2021-01-12 04:13:19 UTC  

I am listening to 1:25:31 on Rob's video where he says that he thinks no more investigation should be done in regards to election fraud. I disagree. How are we supposed to fix the problems if we can not see all of the issues.

2021-01-12 04:14:04 UTC  

Well according to people, literally everything went wrong apparently.

2021-01-12 04:16:17 UTC  

I know Biden will be our president, Jan 6 and all. I just wish ALL of the Dominion machines could be audited. And if there was cheating, fix the issues for next election. So we still have confidence that our votes are actually being counted, one vote for each person.

2021-01-12 04:16:17 UTC  

@bunny_foofoo9, you just advanced to level 3!

2021-01-12 04:19:39 UTC  

That's because the overwhelming evidence is that there was no significant fraud. Entertaining the delusions of the President has proven deadly. It's obviously not "harmless" to keep accommodating the ever moving goal posts. The swiftness of the 1/6 related arrests should put to rest the idea that there has not been enough time to build voter fraud cases. Or that is requires Emergency Injunctive Relief in order to make a case. There have been no fraud arrests, because there is no evidence of fraud. To pretend otherwise any more is a disservice to the American people. We now know the dangers. It will take a while to accept, but it is 100% the truth.

2021-01-12 04:22:14 UTC  

From what I've picked up from this YouTube channel, only a few cases were even allowed to present evidence or were allowed discovery. The cases were thrown out on latches, standing, or no harm yet done. Even if Trump had won, I would want the same things audited/investigated.

2021-01-12 04:24:33 UTC  

Im not suggesting rioting, or anything like that. I'm just wanting issues fixed. Rob even pointed out how easy it would be to submit massive false mail-in ballots with no consequences. Those loop holes should not be there.

2021-01-12 04:25:00 UTC  

I can help to break them down, if you have any questions. There is nuance to Robert's takes on the cases at the time of the live streams. If there are any specific cases you are concerned about, I would be happy to share my perspective.

2021-01-12 04:26:10 UTC  

I don't know any time that Robert said it would be easy to commit fraud. I am unaware of any loopholes.

2021-01-12 04:27:19 UTC  

For example, the case which talked about how the comparison signatures were pulled from the DMV. The DVM signatures were not at a high enough resolution that the machine needed, so the machine acceptance tolerance level was lowered so that the machine would push through more ballots because (due to the low resolution comparison) too many ballots were being rejected.

2021-01-12 04:32:02 UTC  

Rob said in the state where the government representative posted on facebook how to get around the absentee ballot ID restrictions (how not to upload ID requirements usually required of absentee ballots). That it would be easy for false ballots to be requested, and if someone actually voted, the false ballot would just be amended. But further investigation would be done to see where the original ballot came from. So, how many ballots could be cast that the actual person never came to vote to amend the false ballot.

2021-01-12 04:33:06 UTC  

These things, to me, are loop holes that could be abused (if they have not been abused already).

2021-01-12 04:33:22 UTC  

This is not an accurate recounting of the evidence. There was evidence given by the Agilis expert in the NV case that said that officials followed the procedures exactly. Even high rejection rates did not mean that signatures were not verified. It meant that signatures were matched via panels.

The NV case was fascinating. I highly recommend watching the hearing. It was live streamed. The Trump campaign lawyer - Binnal - was totally outclassed by the defense led by Richard Hamilton. There were 14 witnesses and experts that were deposed under oath and cross examination. I don't know how anyone could watch that hearing and not come to the conclusion that the Trump case had no merit.

2021-01-12 04:34:33 UTC  

I will watch this TaLoN132

2021-01-12 04:36:54 UTC  

This was in Wisconsin... The FB posting was in poor taste and could have really worked against the Biden campaign. The WI SC determined that individual voters could determine for themselves if there were Indefinitely Confined. If they did this and did not have proper ID, their votes could have been invalidated. The Trump campaign had the means to check voter roles against the state's DMV and voter ID records. They were unable to find anyone that voted fraudulently.

2021-01-12 04:37:57 UTC  

I'm just saying, having these types of issues dealt with is what I want. If they haven't been used to cheat this time, they can be next time.

2021-01-12 04:40:10 UTC  

So many of these issues have been improperly covered on both sides of the media - the MSM just whitewashed everything and the RWM made everything seem nefarious. It was how I found Robert. I realized that I needed to do my own research. There is a group of us here that have been pouring over court filings, court affidavits, and court rulings. Plus, US and State laws and legislation. It makes a huge difference in understanding what is going on.

2021-01-12 04:41:14 UTC  

I agree what you are saying about the coverage by MSM and RWM.

2021-01-12 04:42:09 UTC  

It is exhausting to even figure out what is happening. I like Rob because he is at least talking about the original source material before it gets "purple monkey dishwasher"

2021-01-12 04:44:12 UTC  

I like NTD. Even they get slanted sometimes. If I just want a neutrally delivered news show, I sometimes just watch NHK. But that may be because the Japanese have such a straight (monotone?) delivery.

2021-01-12 04:44:18 UTC  

What are you meaning by “false ballot” here absentee ballots aren’t false. This is still a legal voter requesting a ballot and voting.

2021-01-12 04:44:35 UTC  

I do not know what you mean by this... I have a sneaking suspicion that the election was way more secure than anyone expected. I think that the people who would be most upset by this are the establishment politicians, because it could lead to an end of their hold on power. I don't think they would stop at anything to put doubt about the election outcome, if the process was secure. The technology has gotten better with more checks and balances every election, but this is the one where there was rampant fraud??? I don't buy it.

2021-01-12 04:45:24 UTC  

false meaning I could claim other people's ballots. Then send them in. And unless the actual voter comes and asks for an amendment, the "false ballot" woudl be processed because no one contested it.

2021-01-12 04:47:20 UTC  

You realize you can't just do this right?

2021-01-12 04:47:34 UTC  

When hanging chads were an issue, changes were made. An issue was pointed out and then fixed. So I feel there are examples of voting issues being investigated, addressed and corrected.

2021-01-12 04:47:34 UTC  

The getting around restrictions is to get a ballot at home for yourself in COVID. They arent fraud ballots. It’s not that easy to get ballots that are not yours. It’s also pretty easy to get caught and face felonies.

2021-01-12 04:47:34 UTC  

@bunny_foofoo9, you just advanced to level 4!

2021-01-12 04:49:20 UTC  

was sent 4 ballots. I voted in person, but I feel uncomfortable getting ballots, un-requested, sent to me.

2021-01-12 04:51:18 UTC  

I can not tell you how many times the post office has screwed up deliveries. At my 4-plex, we wont get mail for 2 weeks, then a big white bin of everyone's mail is left under the mail boxes.

2021-01-12 04:51:34 UTC  

what state do you live in? these were actual ballots not ballot applications? the application(s) is the only thing they can mail out not explicitly requested in my state

2021-01-12 04:51:54 UTC  

Yeah they can't just send out multiple ballots to one person.

2021-01-12 04:52:24 UTC  

maybe some states can?

2021-01-12 04:52:33 UTC  

Doubt it.

2021-01-12 04:54:07 UTC  


2021-01-12 04:54:18 UTC  

Getting a random fellows voter roll updated to your address is more difficult than requesting your own absentee ballot be sent to your address where you live

2021-01-12 04:54:20 UTC  

I got 4 ballots in the mail.

2021-01-12 04:54:28 UTC  

I think only 7 states sent ballots.... Yeah NV was one of them.

2021-01-12 04:54:48 UTC  

And you are putting your address in writing for when you inevitably get caught