Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 799868337328488480

2021-01-16 05:07:21 UTC  

@Maw most people on teh right value order

2021-01-16 05:07:24 UTC  

"I hope trump declares martial law"

2021-01-16 05:07:27 UTC  

and see the police as enforces of order

2021-01-16 05:07:32 UTC  

"And arrests half the government"

2021-01-16 05:07:39 UTC  

Yet distrust the government.

2021-01-16 05:07:42 UTC  


2021-01-16 05:07:42 UTC  


2021-01-16 05:07:46 UTC  

they dont see that they are just as corrupt as the government

2021-01-16 05:07:50 UTC  

Other than in a very small community of like-minded individuals (and likely only for a generation or two), leftist policies can’t work because they’re incompatible with individual liberty.

2021-01-16 05:07:57 UTC  

@Maw well you have a few camps in the conservative tent

2021-01-16 05:08:02 UTC  

the small government libertarian strain

2021-01-16 05:08:15 UTC  

the christian/religious strain

2021-01-16 05:08:39 UTC  

Don't agree, at all.

2021-01-16 05:08:43 UTC  

and you can be against the federal government but like your states government

2021-01-16 05:08:49 UTC  

e.g. states rights

2021-01-16 05:09:05 UTC  

Fortunately for you, I value liberty far more than I value a left economy.

2021-01-16 05:09:54 UTC  

You eat what you kill in a "free" market

2021-01-16 05:10:27 UTC  

I think thats the most just system of all

2021-01-16 05:11:04 UTC  

theres no system that is just

2021-01-16 05:11:11 UTC  


2021-01-16 05:11:12 UTC  

The way I see it is: People can live with socialism or hyper-capitalism, but they can't live without freedom.

2021-01-16 05:11:13 UTC  

That fact leads me to believe you will likely shift away from the left.

2021-01-16 05:11:15 UTC  

everything will end up having some haves and have nots

2021-01-16 05:11:41 UTC  

I've actually shifted far more left since November.

2021-01-16 05:11:46 UTC  

But theyll try

2021-01-16 05:11:53 UTC  

After seeing how Trump reacted.

2021-01-16 05:12:02 UTC  

History has shown us time and time again people will trade liberty for security

2021-01-16 05:12:10 UTC  

We see it every day in real time. No?

2021-01-16 05:12:35 UTC  


2021-01-16 05:13:22 UTC  

@Maw people can live without freedom

2021-01-16 05:13:32 UTC  

theyve lived without freedom for the majority of human history

2021-01-16 05:13:42 UTC  

serfdom was the norm until 300 years ago

2021-01-16 05:13:48 UTC  

People all around me fight me on my assertion that mask/business tyranny is a dangerously slippery slope

2021-01-16 05:13:49 UTC  

That’s not shifting left, in the ideological sense at least. That’s just a response to an event.

2021-01-16 05:13:53 UTC  

Yes, but I'm not saying I'm factually right, I'm stating my opinion.

2021-01-16 05:13:59 UTC  

ah ok

2021-01-16 05:14:10 UTC  

Hence "the way I see it"

2021-01-16 05:14:36 UTC  

Only patriots *WILL* not live without freedom

2021-01-16 05:15:00 UTC  

what are you talking about

2021-01-16 05:15:07 UTC  

Trump isn’t the personification of the “right”, or of “free-market capitalism”, or of “individual liberty”. He’s just the one in charge of the party that is supposed to stand for those things.

2021-01-16 05:15:12 UTC  

we've had our freedoms steadily eroded since the founding