Message from @White Feather

Discord ID: 797363444285571074

2021-01-09 07:06:27 UTC  

yo take care

2021-01-09 07:10:45 UTC  

Fine, i think the tarrifs with China are bad. They gutted small business, because China had a lot cheap goods that went to small business with low profit margins. The tarrifs just hurted the business by making the profit margin to small. Also, farmers who sell there crops to China lost a lot. The wall is a bad idea
1. It won’t stop drug getting in,
2. It would hurt farmers who use seasonal Mexican workers than only come to work In the harvest sea son.
3. It would divide Mexican American community’s

He failed to do anything about the the caged children. He should take responsibility for that and send the children to back to there parents. He enables a lot of negative stereotypes even though he is not racist. He letting for the cancellation of Obama care which thousand of people need to live, mostly disabled people. He did nothing about the capital breach. He let China flourish while doing infective foreign policy to them. He has signed out of the Paris agreement which will cause untold consequences to natural habitat. His deregulation let for companies to abuse our nation wilderness. To me he hasn’t done anything about our nation debt. He didn’t Call out extremist groups like the proud boys. He haven’t done anything notable about school shootings. He say that the dems faked an election. Which has caused uncivil arrest. He haven’t done anything about BLM. And finally, he messed up COVID by a lot. He created a bunch inflation from the COVID stimulus. That’s all I can think off the top of my head

2021-01-09 07:11:30 UTC  

Didn’t we American fight to be free from a cruel king

2021-01-09 07:12:48 UTC  

Do you also fall for the global warming, climate change, we are the fault of it and the planet is gonna die in 10 years type of thing?

2021-01-09 07:13:37 UTC  

😂😂😂😂😂😂, my home town of miami won’t exist in 100 years at this rate

2021-01-09 07:14:50 UTC  

I came to America when I was five, I been in the America school system

2021-01-09 07:14:51 UTC  

He denounced extremist groups more times than every previous president combined?? Where do you get your info from?

2021-01-09 07:15:00 UTC  

Yes of course 100 and like people like al gore didn't tell the thing of our planet wouldn't be there in 10 years he said things like that 20 years ago🤦‍♂️

2021-01-09 07:15:09 UTC  

Schools are states not federal

2021-01-09 07:15:14 UTC  

You do know the founding fathers placed tariffs on a lot of goods exported outside the united the states?

2021-01-09 07:15:31 UTC  

He called for a peaceful protest at the capital building

2021-01-09 07:15:35 UTC  

Agree, I think he's naive that's jsut my opinion

2021-01-09 07:15:39 UTC  

The wall is a better idea, it enforces strong border and shows that there is clear line between America and the outside nations. Also the drug stuff is bullshit. The wall hasn't even being completed so obviously some might get in. When a high security wall is built, it protects the nation. Retards who don't see this haven't heard how Israel protects her borders with IDF militia security against terrorists and have been advancing their wall security tech ever since. America can do the same. The entire point of a wall and immigration policy is to protect the demographic of American soil, not so you can leech off their jobs and waste time.

The rest is because the deep state has been getting in his way. The republican establishment has been working against him for quite sometime and many of his policies were delayed and watered down by the establishment.

And the king stuff was a joke.

2021-01-09 07:15:45 UTC  

That was 300 years and we do t live in the same economy as then

2021-01-09 07:16:07 UTC  

I'd say it's much more likely that Detroit won't be here in 100 years with how much it's been run into the ground.

2021-01-09 07:16:46 UTC  

The paris climate agreement is a colossal waste of time and money, you must also agree with that dumb 2.3 trillion stimulus where 1.5 of it goes to foreign countries

2021-01-09 07:16:55 UTC  

And free trade is trash. Why build allies with people that work against you?

2021-01-09 07:17:12 UTC  

No it is not

2021-01-09 07:17:18 UTC  

Yes it is.

2021-01-09 07:17:28 UTC  

Free trade is anti-protectionism.

2021-01-09 07:17:39 UTC  

Whooooo hoopooooopow, shouting match here we come

2021-01-09 07:17:43 UTC  

Time to die

2021-01-09 07:19:16 UTC  

Also, this emoji is for just stuff, which I find really disappointing that you believe in 😐

2021-01-09 07:19:54 UTC  

What the fuck does that have to do with my statement you are replying? Lol

2021-01-09 07:20:23 UTC  

Government investment in nuclear would be the main energy policy I would support.

2021-01-09 07:20:33 UTC  

Look, I can’t argue with 5 people at the same time, I’m spread to thin. It’s a 5 v 1. I can’t get to everyone point at a same time

2021-01-09 07:20:59 UTC  

Indeed, but A) don’t have it over water and
B) don’t have it near tectonic plates!

2021-01-09 07:21:18 UTC  

Nuclear energy is absolute based.

2021-01-09 07:21:46 UTC  

I'd work on a nuclear factory once I get my Chemistry Bachelor's degree.

2021-01-09 07:22:17 UTC  

Make sure to triple check the temperature in the facility, don’t want another Chernobyl event

2021-01-09 07:22:19 UTC  

Hydroelectricity is also pretty cool.

2021-01-09 07:22:29 UTC  

Nuclear is the future.

2021-01-09 07:22:35 UTC  

And replace it with gay solar power.

2021-01-09 07:22:48 UTC  

Good luck with Biden, you'll need it. Trump wasn't any good right?🤦‍♂️

2021-01-09 07:22:52 UTC  

Solar power doesn't even work for all countries.

2021-01-09 07:22:52 UTC  

Let your economy stagnate for “protecting” your country

2021-01-09 07:22:54 UTC  

I’m sure Biden was only kidding... right? 😅

2021-01-09 07:23:01 UTC  

Uranium fever has gone and got me down🎼

2021-01-09 07:23:29 UTC  

While countries like China and India are the big polluters

2021-01-09 07:23:48 UTC  

Invest in nuclear energy

2021-01-09 07:23:51 UTC  

We should pressure China, India to collaborate with us to stop climate change too