Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty

Discord ID: 799838488216076289

2021-01-16 03:07:01 UTC  

I'm fine. I was doing a bit of reading earlier.

2021-01-16 03:07:17 UTC  

school reading or just leisure reading?

2021-01-16 03:08:16 UTC  

Well, I do attend a University. However, it's only leisure reading.

2021-01-16 03:08:34 UTC  

i see 👀 what book?

2021-01-16 03:09:03 UTC  

Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche.

2021-01-16 03:09:33 UTC  

sounds like a very good book

2021-01-16 03:09:54 UTC  

Yes, however also quite depressing.

2021-01-16 03:10:32 UTC  

perhaps. it sounds like a book that is somewhat nihilistic in its views

2021-01-16 03:10:44 UTC  


2021-01-16 03:11:03 UTC  

Im currently reading 1984, more out of curiosity

2021-01-16 03:11:23 UTC  

Great book.

2021-01-16 03:11:33 UTC  

very nice. what do you think of it so far?

2021-01-16 03:11:43 UTC  


2021-01-16 03:11:45 UTC  


2021-01-16 03:11:47 UTC  


2021-01-16 03:11:51 UTC  

: - D

2021-01-16 03:12:01 UTC  

I’m like 23 pages in but it’s pretty good

2021-01-16 03:12:05 UTC  

What did you do

2021-01-16 03:12:05 UTC  

what did you do, booker?

2021-01-16 03:12:16 UTC  

Finally broke my year long no fish caught streak

2021-01-16 03:12:35 UTC  


2021-01-16 03:12:44 UTC  

Caught a Papio, had four other massive papio on, lost em cause the line was too weak

2021-01-16 03:12:54 UTC  

I see why Conservatives read it. The book does tell unpleasant truths on what's going on in society today. The book is a prophetic piece. Quite scary actually.

2021-01-16 03:12:55 UTC  

added new stronger line, didn't catch them but hooked on to some other massive thing, lost it

2021-01-16 03:13:05 UTC  

and finally, before all that, I caught this vekkae fish

2021-01-16 03:13:10 UTC  

It’s uncannily accurate

2021-01-16 03:13:32 UTC  

I concur.

2021-01-16 03:13:42 UTC  

I don't have pics rn tho, Dad has them and I have to get him to send them to me, but I'm too lazy to do that xD.

2021-01-16 03:14:35 UTC  

I neither conservative or liberal. I'm just here to see how the right side is.

2021-01-16 03:14:48 UTC  


2021-01-16 03:14:55 UTC  

So you're neutral?

2021-01-16 03:14:58 UTC  

Hello Neutral Man

2021-01-16 03:15:09 UTC  

what's that like

2021-01-16 03:15:23 UTC  

My personal feedback in a simple manner. Left side, idiots. Right side, some idiots, but more reasonable.

2021-01-16 03:15:29 UTC  

good good

2021-01-16 03:16:45 UTC  

Left can be pretty dumb sometimes, very contradicting, hypocritical, deceiving, but to say only they have people like that, and we the right, don't would be a lie. We do have some people who are like that, but from my POV, based on my experiences, It's more potent in the left.

That's how I view it at least, might be a little biased tho.

2021-01-16 03:17:09 UTC  

How's that like you ask? Well, the right side needs to stop playing by the rules. Logic can only go so far until one side (which is the left) starts to become idiotic and arrogant.

2021-01-16 03:17:47 UTC  

Actually, the problem is, we aren't playing by the rules, if we were, we would've taken measures that require force.

2021-01-16 03:17:49 UTC  

But I agree

2021-01-16 03:18:05 UTC  

Logic can only go so far, and the right is being pretty submissie

2021-01-16 03:18:07 UTC  
