Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 765725199668346892

2020-10-13 23:51:40 UTC  

1. yes
2. disboard
3. Yes, primarily deporting illegals and anti china policies
4. Yes
5. No
6. Right wing

2020-10-13 23:51:51 UTC  

2020-10-13 23:52:07 UTC  

2020-10-13 23:52:21 UTC  

1. Yes
2. @hatebritish2934
3. Yes, almost all of his policies

2020-10-13 23:52:32 UTC  

4. Yes

2020-10-13 23:52:39 UTC  

5. Right wing


2020-10-13 23:53:21 UTC  

Can i be vetted now?

You forgot 1 question bud

2020-10-13 23:53:58 UTC  

Oh my bad

2020-10-13 23:54:22 UTC  

I don’t support extremists

2020-10-13 23:54:30 UTC  

Extremism is stupid

2020-10-13 23:57:55 UTC  

Hey mates

2020-10-13 23:58:34 UTC  

How’s it goin

2020-10-14 00:02:01 UTC  

Please answer the following questions in verification
1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules?
2.What brought you here?
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? Yes, i like his tax policy and how hes helped US industry
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server?
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies?
ive read some Evola and it was interesting but definitely didnt agree with i
6. Which would you say you lean? Right wing libertarian

2020-10-14 00:03:08 UTC  

2020-10-14 00:08:51 UTC  

Please answer the following questions in verification
1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? Yes.
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.) Online
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) Yes. Specifically his policy on immigration.
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? Yes.
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? No.
6. Which would you say you lean? @rightwing

2020-10-14 00:09:04 UTC  

2020-10-14 00:09:58 UTC  

am i good to go?

2020-10-14 00:10:28 UTC  

1. Yes 2. Google 3. Yes. Anti-immigration, anti-free trade, semi-isolationist. America First. 4. Yes. 5. No. 6. right wing

2020-10-14 00:13:49 UTC  

2020-10-14 00:14:03 UTC  

πŸ”¨ Banned `morb#0674` indefinitely

2020-10-14 00:22:18 UTC  

Please answer the following questions in verification
1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules? Yes
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.) disboard
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.) yes, capitalism, anti abortion, anti illegal immigration, most recently making an effort to reopen the country
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server? Yes
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies? Nope
6. Which would you say you lean? Right (I’m conservative)

2020-10-14 00:23:10 UTC  

2020-10-14 00:26:26 UTC  

1. Yes
2. Disboard, looking for trump servers
3. Yes, anti abortion, anti illegal, and low minority unemployment
4. Yes
5. No
6. Right wing