alph uh male

Discord ID: 738471449505038377

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1. Yes
2. Disboard, looking for trump servers
3. Yes, anti abortion, anti illegal, and low minority unemployment
4. Yes
5. No
6. Right wing

I'm in california gonna move to north carolina and later to wyoming

Wyoming is low taxes and conservative and close to nature

I'm gonna meet Jesse before I get out tho

@Japheth I was looking up houses in north carolina and a condo that is around 700k here is the same size as an independent house for 100k

and our schools brainwash us with BLM propaganda

and when I said I dont believe in white privilege some dumb whore told me I'm brown not white

My goal is to be a doctor or some kinda businessman and save up money

I might be a banker even tho its filled with jews just cause it makes great money. Plus if I get influential there I can put money into actually useful things

I wanna be near nature and shit imagine hunting a moose in alaska

I'll just go to a local Church and find a girl there

tbh I dont like women who think theyre smart

if they think theyre smart they always try to argue but they make illogical points

she should just accept when men say


I mean when I think of a wife I think of who'd be a good mom to my kids

but I dont want her to annoy me either by constantly arguing

I'm mainly looking for a submissive traditional one who'll raise my kids well

dont wanna have deep conversations with my wife

is it just me or does george floyd look like a gorilla

am i one of the youngest here? I'm 16

I got redpilled from seeing the degeneracy and all around me constantly. They literally thought us about homosexual sex in 9th grade and said masturbation/porn is healthy and good

I used to be a centrist and even a coomer

I literally ggot exposed to porn at 14

and school and other kids my age told me it was normal

because earlier I thought anger was a logical and strong response to our world degrading but he thought me it was weaknes

not one great civlization was built by blacks

not all blacks not all but most are retarded

and average IQ of blacks lower than every other group

my dad thinks its because africa is naturally abundant with resources they never were very ambitious or had goals to grow out and build and therefore had no need for intelligence

but yeah we shouldnt hate by race that doesnt mean we shouldnt acknowledge differences

ask my dad bout that cuz Im not even sure I agree with him

why do a lot of nazi types say irish aren't white?

we dont learn about irish slaves at school only black


My parents were immigrants and were extremely assimilated

no matter how high is IQ is it doesn't fix the stein I guess

thats why all the whores got daddy issues and a pedo uncle

idk they always talk about how they were sexually assaulted

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