Message from @Elbuttholio
Discord ID: 799562911948210197
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Can't wait for feburary
I want my $2k now
Now I'm poor
Star Wars Battlefront II free on Epic Games, might as well get it
I love stealing
I love taking things
I would loot a Local Walmart
grug steal bananas
When a riot occurs
suckers who paid for the main game and the subsequent customisation DLCs that I'm getting totally free rn
The Lincoln Project is good
Stealing is fun
And I'm a spic so i don't even get in trouble because people expect me to be a thief
The Lincoln Project helped dems defeat the rat Republicans
The Democrats need to give them more money
They know what they are doing
that is me
Breaking news: Trump has just been banned from The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Post chicken nuggy
I remember the days when shen bapiro was just a right wing autist who hung out in cuckshed all day
Ye one of the main operatives is literally a pedophile.. well thats usual with you people
Now he is worst than Trs user Attitude
Sorry. I meant to say Attitude
He got infected by snicks
The new AIDS
From user snickers
He is one of those users that lets irony take over his entire personality.
there was a time when shen bapiro rage quit trs cause he wasn't allowed to say the big bad words anymore
Hes one of those retard irony users
Because being yourself is too mainstream and gay
He has embraced the schizopill
Thank you for telling us 🙏🙏🙏