Message from @Winnie
Discord ID: 627159820369395713
Oh let it go, I'm not in the mood for saving someone right now 😂
Where do u get these craszy ideas?
By looking at it with my own eyes my dude
You sound like a nut
The fuck?
Opinionated rumors... 👍
@bible whore 1 Glad u agree
Don’t hurt the kid too bad, he is still young
@bible whore 1 are a kid. You're in ur 20's
So are you dumb fuck
Wanna know how this came about? A guy made a joke about pornhub 🤣
@Winnie Im proud of your commitment to truth in Yahuashua bro
Please explain this to me then ana, How can two people look at the same thing and one understands it, the other gets a crazy idea.
You dont even know what religion is
And bring out the bro! Do you know how cults begin? They make you feel amazing! Like you're so special, everyone else is wrong and you're an amazing being. And then bam. You're a mindless freak kissing his feet
Religion was a tool used long ago to hold over the public’s head
So then where do you get your crazy idea of your "god" then
You think I don’t know, but they tied themselves to the Bible. Like the feminists did to the me too movement
My “god”
We are not having a religion based talk here
Against the rules
You don't even know what religion is
Like u cant sseperate the two
Religion is bullshit
It is,.
ive never heard a amore true statment come out of you
Yes I do, and I can, you can’t seem to understand what I’m saying. But that’s cool
The b'nai ha Elohim made it for control
Fallen ones
I'll give Azriel one thing, he'd make a great cult leader 🤣
I'm telling you @Deleted User assumes too much and doesn't know nothing about me
That's what he's working on @The Green Fairy
No i do understand what you're saying. You're saying that "religion" is the same as a relationship with your god. @bible whore 1
@The Green Fairy whats a cult?
No I’m not, but good try
@The Green Fairy Yep, I wrote that in the form of a question *AND* revealed I wasnt going to doxx, neither is *"doxxing"* what happened to *"Carne Asava"* the admitted Satanist *(I simply investigated his public data).* Doxxing is taking *private* info *and posting it;"* nothing was posted, no threats were made. I gave Dracarys something to think about regarding his pursuit of others *(the notion that another person less kind than I might seriously doxx him)*" & worded it in a way that coaxed him to back off the mod abuse against me in Roundtable. But instead, ana got triggered & claimed *"Azriel is doxxing!"* Lol. Maybe u can't grasp context becuz you're too bust projecting a false context 😏