Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 631572083184238603
@Deleted User your a boomer just as much as I'm a feminist 😜😂
Yeah I'm in and out
@Deleted User Lol! IKR!
Kay Waves her 45
With penis envy ya know 😂
On the ground Mother Fuckers
@Deleted User wtf is your problem bro
Hahahahahaha 😂😂😂☝
@Deleted User Apparently Im a *"boomer"* & *"Jewish"*
Frog is such a bitch
Frog is gayyyy mmk
@Deleted User poking some fun at you bro
@Deleted User and I do love you guys you cynical asshole
@LumpyAcidFish Hitler was an occult cuck
@Deleted User don't talk about him you filthy JEW
Lol oh goodness
Okay time to get stoned again... I'll be back 😂
<:emoji_6:630919979323359242> <:emoji_6:630919979323359242>
@Deleted User he was a hero
Y'all kill me ...
That boomer thing is going to be a big problem going forward
There is another cultural revolution underway and those kids will be the ones who are used to do it
@Deleted User No, he was an insider & Freemason
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
@LumpyAcidFish Educate yourself newb
send me pages
im not buying a dumb jew book
@Deleted User. Gotta run
Hi @oddball