Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 640601489647337503
i listen to Q but not a follower .... Just Wonder why they never tried to stop any of this back in the day they started there Assault on our Young American Boys .... Points to the Guide Stone in GA
I'll be back in a bit . had enough coffee . time to shower and go get beer lol
Do you know who Julie Brown is from the Miami Herald?
She put out the info on Epstein years ago
It took President Trump to call all these acts out and point us to them Monsters in Both Parties
I still wonder why China Built a Copy of Washington DC in a Place in China ... Even Built a White House
I didn't know that
Yup it is a Copy of Washington DC
It doesn't seem right that some anonymous person takes credit for her hard work
Still Yet Our Government who was fighting Commie in the 50's 60's up the late 80's all of them Now Support China ... Now that is a Upside Down World folks
How did we get to this point 🤔
Poeple Best Not Forget Seth Rich .... He should be a Hero to leak that stuff out
Yeah see he got shot in the back of the head
It's a long list
in the 70's there was News Coverage of the U.N and they warned they would use Old Gold and well Planned this out forever to over throw us use Race baiting .... Start Arguments on us all who is right who is wrong
You can Break 1 stick easy .... Can not Break alot of sticks easy
The plans are coming to life now
Divide us and we will fall easy
And Rapper warned us in a Song United we Stand .... Divide we will fall .. If we all dont wake up
I'll see everyone later on in the evening. Have a great day y'all
You too Brother Lizard
Can someone explain this? 😂
@MaskedHeathen Google fkn with your mind
But Republicans bad people D: Google said so
Google thinks is April 1st
Az did you figure out that app High impact Volg used??
But we all know Youtube is paid by Deep state losers to troll us and mess with the numbers
There is a Meme War happening.
Warren vs Trump.
Send some samples
This being a thing 😂
Being drafted into the Meme War. Tell my waifu body pillow that I love her, if you don't hear back from me.
sup friends
Heyyy 😊