Message from @MaskedHeathen
Discord ID: 643681619114459136
@WetDog You've been here 4 days , give it a rest
I am willing to hear ya out for shits n giggles but your not the first to propose this shit lol I like the people I have here. Not sure what ya think this is but it's very well controlled
Think about it
@WetDog your not the first by any means
Think it over man
I can't talk but I can listen and type. Moving to a dif vc
It's ok I've presented my proposals
Think it over for a night
Sleep on it wet dog for admin
Gnite guys happy veterans day
Love you
Wet dog loves you
Lol same shit the last ppl said . let's hear it again plz I want my mods to hear the shit ppl come up with
you sound like Infinite @WetDog
come into vc
@MaskedHeathen vc and bring that @bible whore 1. With u
It's infinate all over lol
Quit nerding out for min this should b good
@WetDog vc
lol its a rig
It got a few mags, my camel pack, walkie-talkie, rave glow sticks, sharpie to huff, Tactical Hello Kitty Band-Aids, and of course a chicken tendie holster.
@WetDog Would you like to join us in Voice Chat to discuss about this?
Damn I forgot band aids
Hold on brb
I'm back inside and little1 refuses to go back to sleep . not that any1 could hear me anyway
Oh ok.
Btw jerky is done :)
What kind of jerky
3 types
Teriyaki. Honey bbq. And peppered