Message from @Tian Fan

Discord ID: 649811592862498819

2019-11-29 02:33:47 UTC  

#3. Military needs to be lean on spending and not expand the empire even though the outside have resources to pay off the leveraged debts issued by central banks.

2019-11-29 02:35:17 UTC  

#4. The poor gets more education about humus cycles, square feet gardening/cold frame polytunnel greenhouses, to create intrinstic value in the communities worldwide to catch up with the rich.

2019-11-29 02:36:54 UTC  

#5. The Rich, need not give money away, should keep the universal principles/laws/competence/esteem to cheer up the poor.

2019-11-29 02:39:35 UTC  

#6. When Central banks give up(question of the decade), the poor will not kill the rich for resources because the poor has esteem, fulfilled maslows' need of heirachy, and continues to garden/agriculture/run positions inside franchisees for all classes.

2019-11-29 02:44:21 UTC  

Tian why are you deleting ? Your welcome to post here

2019-11-29 02:47:07 UTC  

Not into keeping problems big and daunting. Summarizing youtube problems and giving partially correct answers (limited in scope).

2019-11-29 02:49:01 UTC  

The Gresham's Law. The Gold and silver assets increase when the fiat standards fail.

2019-11-29 02:50:39 UTC  

The War Tourism problem with fierce exodus from conflict - less participants the neater the wicked problem will resolve itself.

2019-11-29 02:52:34 UTC  

The wicked problem of war has resource shortages, distance to cover to next safety spots, pirates, more people fighting each other for the exit, scarcity mindset, and bloodshed.

2019-11-29 02:54:15 UTC  

#7. Increase the intrinstic value of land, properties, equipment, and college level gardening/agriculture reduces resource shortages and attracts investors into investing into a land.

2019-11-29 02:56:04 UTC (European Donald Trump's role in 4 countries aka Visegrad 4).

2019-11-29 02:59:05 UTC  

Timeland of 9-11 -> 500,000 bombed with DU in Fallajah iraq -> immigration through fertile crescent into yugoslavia -> Visegrad 4 putting walls like Donald trump -> Dealing with mass immigration (Zionist agenda to collapse the EU) -> today thinking about EU.

2019-11-29 03:01:16 UTC  

Will Putin's Empire expand?

2019-11-29 03:02:09 UTC  

The Visegrad Four (The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland)

2019-11-29 03:05:09 UTC  

#8. War Tourism Gambling: people gamble on the outcome of conflict, and puts liquid on useless things: maybe the loser has more the learn about.

2019-11-29 03:08:03 UTC ( Walls of Shame - Fortress Europe: The Spanish-Moroccan border )

2019-11-29 03:08:50 UTC ( Italy discouraging flow of migrants from North Africa )

2019-11-29 03:08:56 UTC

2019-11-29 03:08:57 UTC  

Age max 15 . Oklahoma d day worlds largest paintball scenario

2019-11-29 03:14:02 UTC (Australia's Secret Migrant Detention Centre)

2019-11-29 03:19:16 UTC  

1 Mexico Wall Donald Trump.

2019-11-29 03:19:41 UTC  

2. Australia - East Timor - Malcolm Turnbull

2019-11-29 03:20:07 UTC  

3. Visegrad 4 and Italy and Morocco Spain.

2019-11-29 03:21:28 UTC  

All this trouble to keep the white countries non-interracial.

2019-11-29 03:46:13 UTC  

(limits my postings to avoid bans)

2019-11-29 03:54:52 UTC  

you will not be banned for posting these types of things @Tian Fan

2019-11-29 03:55:03 UTC  

go ahead.

2019-11-29 04:04:38 UTC  

Cannot wait for a conscious Israel to vote for the release of Palestine from Zionist Israel.

2019-11-29 04:04:53 UTC ( Rebel Rabbis: Anti-Zionist Jews Against Israel )

2019-11-29 04:07:14 UTC  

Cannot wait for the SOFEX (War arms dealers) to leave Trans-Jordan.

2019-11-29 04:08:27 UTC  

to leave anywhere because war arms dealers are like gypsies - where ever they go, there is bloodshed.

2019-11-29 04:11:58 UTC  

Cannot wait for USA to raise their social conscious and start their healing process.

2019-11-29 04:12:49 UTC (Mass Incarceration in the US )

2019-11-29 04:12:58 UTC

2019-11-29 04:55:48 UTC  

@Tian Fan Hallo my friend... You are missing a wall

2019-11-29 04:58:27 UTC

2019-11-29 04:59:17 UTC  

@Tian Fan The outside perimeter of that red dot... I can't draw lines at the moment... lol

2019-11-29 07:48:27 UTC  

@Kyger welcome