Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 652638629805424701
Ahhh gotcha
Sorry can't take the best pictures winding roads got to pay attention
When I get into a very Scenic area I get Whiplash trying to look at everything at once
And stay between the lines
Talk to type is stupid
I can imagine it picking up everything
Yeah and I've got Zack copycatting so I get it Echo it's repeating me twice
Pizza pizza pizza snowball snowball Pizza Pizza where's your tablet I'm turning the heat up
Lol yes something like that
The stream of consciousness of an 8 year old
@Deleted User Ask @bible whore 1 what she taught the lil younglings in my channel 🤣🤣🤣
Lol, I thought I would just let my comment dangle there for a while ,no pun intended
Scraping gum off a tree.
Placing gum into mouth
@Tian Fan -> You have received <:rare_box:429436006966755334> `rare_box` **x1** as your daily reward.
He's having a good time
So good to be home
I bet
That's awesome right there
Been a long time coming
Good for you @Deleted User
It smells like cheech and chong live in the shop 😂
<:smoke:630919979323359242> 💯 💯
@Tian Fan -> You must wait **20:31:40** before you can get another daily reward!
Builds a polytunnel and plants herbs and vegetable inside.