Message from @Karnivore
Discord ID: 656920744768307231
Liz u here
Watching them read the articles of impeachment is infuriating! Making these false statements about our fairly legally elected President. Now, Nancy dripping with enthusiasm! No matter what, this should not be a happy celebrating moment. The LIES.
Just look at how Nancy Piglosi handles her own spirituality. She claims to be Catholic in the first breath, while with the next breath, she praises the murder of unborn babies.
Nancy relies on the fact none will understand that she has indeed excommunicated herself from the church she claims to belong to.
How can anyone take even one syllable that she utters as anything but untruth?
Nancy sold her soul to the devil long ago.
Her physical body more than likely would have died long ago, were it not for the demons infesting it.
I can't even stand to hear her speak at all.
It was the same with Ovomit.
AKA: Barry Soetoro
AKA: Obozo
AKA: Zerobama
Listening to him speak must not be far off from listening to the the devil speak.
This impeachment business is pure fiction.
When Trump comes out the other side, then wins the 2020 election, he needs to prosecute the living daylights out of every single person who is part of this.
And, if for no other reason that Ginsburg hanging on through 2020, Trump really must win.
Then he can appoint another conservative Supreme Court Justice to replace RBG.
No matter how many more innocent, young children they kidnap and murder, in order to give RBG additional blood transfusions, just like David Rockefeller received.
You betcha
Having a discussion with some idiot that thinks this will bury Trump.
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