Message from @Fetty🦈
Discord ID: 688615927369039873
@LuckyTrevgood morning
The less I know - the more I know 🙂
> “Don’t believe the numbers when you see, even on our Johns Hopkins website, that 1,600 Americans have the virus,” he said. “No, that means 1,600 got the test, tested positive. There are probably 25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed.”
> He added: “I think we have between 50,000 and half a million cases right now walking around in the United States.”
@FettyNBA💚 Welcome
Hey, @Deleted User
I decided to put Contagion on.
Found the link on reddit
@Deleted User whatup?
What device do you want to watch it on?
@Karnivore Yo
I shouldn't have had a siesta this afternoon.
Yeah I see you're up all hours of the night
I have been lately. I need to break the habit.
heres what the FDA deems as dangerous in regards to alternative means of treatment/ prevention against the Virus, these agencies are the enemy:
Good morning
Lol how are you brother
huh julius caeser was murdered on this day