Message from @A voice in the dark
Discord ID: 796081922844655659
Same here I don't like you neither one of them
And that's not my opinion that's based out of fact on the evidence that they have presented to us directly
My mind is definitely open to all possibilities but my heart only belongs to Jesus
Not you them
You guys see how many people are there now?
I am using voice to text cuz I'm walking and got gloves on
Aren't you in truthflix server
👆 take on things.
@A voice in the dark I think I'm set up to your Channel
I thought I recognized you
That's me.
I got so much going on all the time sheet it's hard to remember all who I want and stuff
Watch and stuff dang I hate this stupid voice text
I'm pretty sure I got booted from Truthflix server for my anti-flat-earth memes.
Yeah, I have a False Flag itch about tomorrow
We all need to take a stand like this man
@Speck I'm worried about that too. Pray for everyone there, because whatever happens there tomorrow will potentially spread all across the country. Let's all Pray that we stay on the right side of history.
@A voice in the dark Yeah, I really am hoping I am wrong, there will be children there
That is so cool how many people are there
❗❗Lead and keep the sheep. Feed and comfort the sheep. Kill the wolves! ❗❗
That's my prayer for the day.
Be safe everyone.