Message from @Speck
Discord ID: 798339708933373972
I believe that Trump has got to do something, because then he will be seen as a weak president that did not take proper action. People will say he did not fight for us.
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I shudder to think what would be done to him and his family if this goes on unchecked
So annoying. Thanks. Not gonna follow. I stopped the video after he insisted he has a direct line to “the real q” 🙄
One of his vids seemed legit but then I caught him connecting intel with multidimensional woo woo and I knew I had taken a wrong turn
He is screwed whether he does something or not. So why not do something? That’s the most convincing argument I’ve seen
His position as President affords him greater protections right now. If he's a private citizen and his base (if only a small fraction) feel betrayed he could have more enemies than he can manage
I don't think we're doomed. I think we're in for a hard, bloody fight--but one in which 39% of the people (those who know the election was stolen) have been at least partially red-pilled. We have NEVER had that kind of awakening before.
Plus, even moderate Dems are starting to balk at Pelosi's rhetoric with platitudes about "distracting from Biden's agenda" and so forth. If they go full-bore on trying to grind us down, they're going to red-pill even more people. Unfortunately, by that time it'll be too late to avoid a violent civil war, IMHO, or to save the country as it is. I think you'll end up with a permanent split between the red and blue states as red states, led by Texas, tell DC to go frack itself with a red-hot poker.
It will be cyber warfare, all kinetic nothing physical
Otherwise we would be doing it now
As far as what Trump can do, the answer is: By himself, nothing. Unless he has the military's buy-in on martial law, declaring it will only do more damage.
Has anyone confirmed the clouthub account for POTUS?
*Kinetic is physical
No. The internet will be just one front. Think about it: If they try to send Federal agents door-to-door to get weapons in red states, SOMEBODY is going to get shot.
No confirmation
What we have to watch out for is asymetric warfare in the form of more BLM/Antifa riots. Those of us near urban centers need to make sure we have a fall-back position if the fires start burning.
I think we are talking matters of days, not long term anymore
Not in a "Its habbening!!' way either
It Will be antifa in the guise of Trump supporters
Always be prepared to protect yourself and your loved ones
That is certainly what has been going on but this whole 'violent protest at the state capitols' has me worried
They are trying to perpetuate something that doesnt exist
They're priming and baiting
I think what we saw last wednesday is round 1
Trump has til 1/19
Priming the public for the forthcoming narrative, baiting patriots to involve themselves and remove deniability
There is 0% chance after Wed that a patriot shows up to protest
There is a reason they havent been able to pull the 'dress up as Maga' card all year through the riots
We arent violent....yet
I said this before and I think most people recognize it but the time for protests has passed
For sure
any protests now are CIA op
If we wanted to protest we would still be there
350k people
"I'm just gonna not wear the mask at the baseball game" is not enough