Message from @Si
Discord ID: 737323955576242286
So Me still gonna eat crayon
Go to ranger school
I’m in army JROTC so I’ll go in higher rank and I know everything army
Plus my former marine grandpa said no 😂
I had to go so far back I decided to screenshot and I've grown a bit more facial hair since thenn
U sexy af
@Markichr is on this app
Why are trying to ruin my chances for?
Hubba hubba
What a cutie
But Kevin’s cuter
No homo
True that
I'm pretty sure my chances with a girl as good looking as her are pretty fucking slim
With who
I’m ugly but you what I have? A great fucking personality
Let that shine. Don’t ask for nudes or be a fuck boy.
Be a gentleman
Husband material
> @Markichr is on this app
@americanafWhy are trying to ruin my chances for? bruh wtf my chances are slim
U never know
You got a better chance than my ass
Idk if I got a chance after u dropped that pic
Bruh she fine but me pfff I got issues to
Ugly and issues no way
We all got issues
Build self confidence
Girls like that more
Yeah well when you add broke into the equation
A guy who’s confident in himself
Im@also broke. I’m not rich
No vehicle still trying to find a job