Message from @Kevin_the_wise
Discord ID: 783522960031219743
So it would take time to find it
And also
Once again, if he got fired, he's probably not a good source. If his studies and research was sound, then whatever research institution he was employed by wouldn't have taken issue with what he said.
Gosh this country is becoming a joke
You're against trans rights as well? What?
I mean like it takes years to be a doctor
So hes got to be right
That's sarcasm right
Ktb I got a feeling ur a Russian spy
And assuming things
Because I could literally say the same thing about any of the hundreds of doctors and scientists who penned the 45 research papers I just linked to you.
the fact that governor newsom and pelosi can violate their own rules while the rest of california has to comply to their rules is good enough for me
Next thing you know theres 200 genders
A lgbt activist even said theres millions
Additionally, doctors are still human. They are still prone to error (which is precisely why you should only take scientific studies seriously if they've been peer-reviewed and released by a reputable source). Just because one of them claimed that masks are useless, and got fired for it, that doesn't mean "he's right" just because he had a PhD.
Ktb most of the time they are right about viruses
And let me guess ktb
Your pro vaccination mandatory
No, not at all. I think it should be a choice. I do believe in freedom, after all.
Still a spy
Just not as much
I think you're an asshole if you deliberately choose not to get the vaccine, but I'll still support your *right* not to get one.
Your a spy
I would never agre to a vaccine
They are toxic
And it's all about control
We don't really know yet whether or not the upcoming Covid vaccine is "toxic". The reason it hasn't been released yet is because it needs to be tested extensively, so it very well could be.
Let me see if I can send the video
Hopefully, it won't be released to the public until it's up-to-par. That's how science works, as I've said already.
Rather than sending a "video", could you send any genuine sources to back up this notion that the vaccines are meaningless and "toxic"?
Videos of individuals (with questionable backgrounds) just saying things is not evidence, unless they're backing up what they say with academic sources.
This is something I just found rn
The original evidence I wanted to send I could not find it