Message from @Looooooooney

Discord ID: 798082329510805555

2021-01-11 04:11:06 UTC  

white lives matter

2021-01-11 04:11:09 UTC  

should be a thing

2021-01-11 04:11:28 UTC  

just to make the blmoids rip their hair out and mentally kill themselves

2021-01-11 04:18:39 UTC  

"Its ok to be White" already did that

2021-01-11 04:21:55 UTC  

That should be brought back though, just to rile them up again

2021-01-11 05:04:11 UTC  

"HoW dArE yOu" lol

2021-01-11 05:06:34 UTC  

God damn it, Piers lol

2021-01-11 05:59:36 UTC  

With a name like "butterworth" probably got some of that "work" done to him at the playground by the other kids. Now he's probably lashing out, now he's an "adult". 😆

2021-01-11 06:00:10 UTC  


2021-01-11 06:33:13 UTC  

r/Publicfreakout automatically removed my post,The subreddit's been filled with the capitol videos

2021-01-11 06:33:51 UTC

2021-01-11 06:34:29 UTC  

r/Donald Trump has been banned and r/Republican has been closed or moved to private

2021-01-11 06:35:01 UTC  

What the heck happened to reddit

2021-01-11 06:37:06 UTC  

It stopped pretending to care

2021-01-11 06:37:35 UTC  

Didn't zed lose his subreddit?

2021-01-11 06:40:40 UTC  

Reddit was always woke

2021-01-11 06:40:43 UTC  

Even before it was cool

2021-01-11 06:40:47 UTC  

So I am not surprised

2021-01-11 06:54:02 UTC  


2021-01-11 06:54:15 UTC  

I suggest you delete that

2021-01-11 06:54:24 UTC  

i mean

2021-01-11 06:56:45 UTC  

There are dedicated meme chats. <#724105162741907467> seems to be the most appropriate channel to post this in to me

2021-01-11 07:14:55 UTC  


2021-01-11 07:15:43 UTC  

That's actually already a thing. And All Lives Matter of course. I don't get why BLM gets triggered when you say ALM don't they think other lives matter too?

2021-01-11 07:16:07 UTC  

they have a black superiority complex

2021-01-11 07:16:13 UTC  

they think they deserve special treatment

2021-01-11 07:16:18 UTC  

because of their skin color,

2021-01-11 07:16:26 UTC  

which is ironically racist

2021-01-11 07:16:42 UTC

2021-01-11 07:17:35 UTC  

Yea, guess you sre right

2021-01-11 07:17:35 UTC  


2021-01-11 07:17:36 UTC  


2021-01-11 07:18:31 UTC  

BLM be like

2021-01-11 07:18:32 UTC

2021-01-11 07:20:35 UTC  

Kinda Ironic that the "Anti Fascist" really like that Trump and and some of his Supporters got banned on Twitter and other SM, which is Ironic cuz that was also a thing of the Nazis to oppress their political enemys.
They really like the Idea of a 1984 Orwellian World.

2021-01-11 07:21:03 UTC  

Though it is not only a Nazi thing but rather the thing of Regimes in general

2021-01-11 07:22:04 UTC  

Star Wars was always like the best thing in my childhood, which it still is but honestly the Sequels are just shit.

2021-01-11 07:22:50 UTC  

modern star wars is a dumpsterfire of race propaganda

2021-01-11 07:22:52 UTC  

Designated Survivor was also destroyed in Season 3 as well as Star Trek Discovery in the new season.