Message from @hyperiacob

Discord ID: 797584664801968148

2021-01-09 21:51:48 UTC  

@Bumblefuck as long as you allow abortion people will just keep getting pregnant because eventually they won't care

2021-01-09 21:52:04 UTC  

Here we go again...

2021-01-09 21:52:42 UTC  

I just hate the hypocrisy, there are people who "Incite or further violence" on twitter and are praised for doing so (all of blm and antifa) but when trump tells people for things to be done peacefully and patriotically its inciting violence

2021-01-09 21:52:50 UTC  

What I really don’t get is: you will go out of your way to get an abortion but you won’t go out of your way to get birth control.... makes sense

2021-01-09 21:53:02 UTC  

Babies are animals, they don’t have thoughts until they develop there brains. An animal can kick and tug, and yet we do t consider it immoral

2021-01-09 21:53:13 UTC  

So what if it you allow it it keeps the conditions more stable, also stable conditions cooralite STRONGLY with less abortion in the long run

2021-01-09 21:53:24 UTC  

What i notice everytime democrats are in power America been in major wars like veitneim and ww2 ect

2021-01-09 21:53:57 UTC  

The left controls what people read and hear. This country will not be free anymore until Republicans go back into power.

2021-01-09 21:54:41 UTC  

They should rebrand their party as the Oligarch Party because nothing is democratic about them.

2021-01-09 21:54:51 UTC  

It's ridiculous to think that they're not human just because they're not fully developed.

2021-01-09 21:54:52 UTC  

Chirstian will be attacked because they go against The DEMOCRAT IDEALS

2021-01-09 21:54:59 UTC  

True and everyone attacks the government for making America bad and then they vote the same people in.

2021-01-09 21:55:40 UTC  

Yup especially california

2021-01-09 21:55:51 UTC  

Lol, Biden doesn't understand money sadly

2021-01-09 21:55:54 UTC  

Abortion is immoral, people should learn self-control instead of being dependent on abortion as a result of stupid choices.

2021-01-09 21:56:12 UTC

2021-01-09 21:56:20 UTC  

Remember that

2021-01-09 21:56:24 UTC  

How are we in trillions of dollars in debt even though we give trillions to other countries

2021-01-09 21:56:34 UTC  

Well, that what I consider human. Killing a baby about to come out of the wound is immoral. I think that when a babies brain is literally being made, I won’t consider them a human.

2021-01-09 21:56:42 UTC  

Because math is math

2021-01-09 21:57:24 UTC  

They are alive after 3 days i hear

2021-01-09 21:57:44 UTC  

"dont do that " is not an answer that would work to fix a commuity.
Its "just say no" but to fucking and not drugs. People fuck, seople smoke but you may as well offer the imoral way. Unless you dont care for tmproving ecomomic and social condishons of your own country.

2021-01-09 21:58:06 UTC  

So are people with brain damage not alive? People with mental issues?

2021-01-09 21:58:44 UTC  

Are they less human then? That's the big question

2021-01-09 21:58:54 UTC  

Difference is that rehabilitating from drug abuse isn't immoral. I don't know what you mean by that.

Teach SAFE sex, not abortion

2021-01-09 21:59:38 UTC  

What about people with under-developed brains

2021-01-09 22:00:02 UTC  

I mean "choice" is not worked in any social issue, offer a way out. also teach safe sex but do not expect good homes to people eho cannot afford children

2021-01-09 22:00:16 UTC  

No, people have feelings. I don’t think a something in the wound has feelings.

2021-01-09 22:00:40 UTC  

America is in a custody battle right now.

Most of us want to stay with dad.

And we don’t like Mom’s new boyfriend because he likes touching and sniffing little kids!
-Rogan O'Handly

2021-01-09 22:00:54 UTC  

clutch your pearls, i offer a way out, not table mannors

2021-01-09 22:01:19 UTC  

They do. The problem is that you're using arbitrary definitions of humanity when I'm not. I'm using a single definition for where life starts - conception. Not "well maybe it starts at 3 months, depends on how much brain activity they have."

2021-01-09 22:02:15 UTC  

Who gives a flying Fuck about feelings. You will walway be bebind if you clutch pearls and not help people.

2021-01-09 22:02:45 UTC  

My definition of human life is having a conscience

2021-01-09 22:02:59 UTC  

You've basically come to the point where you have absolutely no care for if it is alive or not. That's pretty disgusting. If you think that murder is justified for the sake of "make the community better!!!" then there's no hope in arguing with you.

2021-01-09 22:03:04 UTC  

Thats what makes up different from the animals

2021-01-09 22:04:23 UTC  

Well you can offer solutions and roll in the dirt like men with chests. Or you can loose elections from your incessant pearl clutching that fails communities.

2021-01-09 22:04:35 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:05:12 UTC  

You heard me, your table mannors aint pushing you forward, roll in the dirt a bit.
Like a man, do things. like in the good old days when men had chests.

2021-01-09 22:05:25 UTC  

When in development does a baby have a consience? This is the problem. It IS an arbitrary definition because it's hard to define that.

2021-01-09 22:05:33 UTC  

Ok so I had to walk down to turn rent in and stuff, and like...
My mom thought it was a good idea to buy black facemasks.
So I was wearing an all black garb with black face mask, and the Landlord would not answer the door because I looked like an Antifa person...and so I took off the mask and I was like “Sorry guys we only had black”