Message from @mikeflarkin

Discord ID: 797596120448368700

2021-01-09 22:34:41 UTC  

Nvm that was screen glare

2021-01-09 22:34:42 UTC  

All colours look the same...

2021-01-09 22:34:46 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:34:55 UTC  

That almost looks like Bob is bold and Froski isn't

2021-01-09 22:36:35 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:37:01 UTC  

Am I wrong? It looks like Bob's name is the same shade, just in bold for some reason

2021-01-09 22:37:08 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:37:12 UTC  

Yeah. It does.

2021-01-09 22:38:25 UTC  

Iโ€™m at Gen 1 for once

2021-01-09 22:38:30 UTC  

Oh shit right hand man Pog

2021-01-09 22:38:47 UTC  

Bob: #cb1e63
Froski: #c22259
Senior Mods: #45b36c
Mods: #33d316
Zeds: #49afd6
Voice Mods: #7aa874

2021-01-09 22:38:51 UTC  

<:YTMegaThonk:705973687983145033> .

2021-01-09 22:39:09 UTC  

Don't cast a hex on me you Canadian

2021-01-09 22:39:16 UTC  

Are those copyright claimed?

2021-01-09 22:39:40 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:40:01 UTC  

Hex 6 color codes? Or whatever itโ€™s called

2021-01-09 22:40:39 UTC  

yeah. it's hex

2021-01-09 22:41:03 UTC  

please move it to <#720450552416305254> though

2021-01-09 22:41:26 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:41:45 UTC  

okay, i'm deleting your post here ๐Ÿ‘

2021-01-09 22:42:13 UTC  

Appreciate it my dude

2021-01-09 22:44:05 UTC  

The guys

2021-01-09 22:51:35 UTC  
2021-01-09 22:58:49 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:58:52 UTC  

I need advice

2021-01-09 22:58:59 UTC  

im looking at indie hacker

2021-01-09 22:59:02 UTC  

> The Fake News Pandemic
> Regular users have little incentive to validate or fact-check information before sharing it, thus contributing to the greatest pandemic of disinformation.

2021-01-09 22:59:07 UTC  

one of their startup ideas is

2021-01-09 22:59:12 UTC  

a product to combat this "fake news pandemic"

2021-01-09 22:59:27 UTC  

and I want to combat it, but probably in the polar opposite way that they expected (to fight against the establishment)

2021-01-09 22:59:49 UTC  

but how can one fight against misinformation with a web service, rather then with a combative media organization itself

2021-01-09 23:00:05 UTC  

I want to fight misinformation by making a web product

2021-01-09 23:00:11 UTC  

Predictions on what froski going to change there name to for valentines?

2021-01-09 23:00:51 UTC  

in all seriousness though I feel like I can put my skills to use

2021-01-09 23:00:53 UTC  

Froski big dck?

2021-01-09 23:00:54 UTC  

the people who made bitchute did

2021-01-09 23:01:00 UTC  

but how can I?

2021-01-09 23:02:40 UTC  

Spend 100k on college and complain

2021-01-09 23:03:02 UTC  

Your assuming gender

2021-01-09 23:03:13 UTC  


2021-01-09 23:03:21 UTC  

lets all get into voice people, i miss the people