Message from @Sengorn Leopardae

Discord ID: 798350801612963850

2021-01-12 00:38:11 UTC  

And that's our problem how?

We have to worry about our country first

2021-01-12 00:38:17 UTC  

I believe that the Trump adminsitration has brokered more peace than almost any administration in the US ever, and that his actions towards covid-19 worked well.

2021-01-12 00:38:18 UTC  

I am not a liberal 😂

2021-01-12 00:38:35 UTC  

to him, I'm a liberal

2021-01-12 00:39:01 UTC  

Elis, Trump alone cannot make these deals, these deals have to be made if both participants are willing to agree

2021-01-12 00:39:11 UTC  

even just getting them to negotiate the deals takes many years

2021-01-12 00:39:15 UTC  

that isn't really Trump's fault at all

2021-01-12 00:39:17 UTC  

Perhaps 🤔

2021-01-12 00:39:30 UTC  

And we're not gonna be a push over about it either. We're America, not a submissive country at all.

2021-01-12 00:39:31 UTC  

biden gonna be making deal with progressives

2021-01-12 00:39:34 UTC  

imagine all trump couldve accomplished if he wasnt fighting against his own corrupt government officials . yet he still accomplished so much

2021-01-12 00:39:35 UTC  

to be honest the furry community has become infected with an extreme amount of sjw liberal types

2021-01-12 00:40:00 UTC  

Because if you care about being the first world power I think he was preaty bad at maintaining that ,if you actually care about internalizing the market and the production that is fine , like for me China being the first world power and america being the first world power are the same

2021-01-12 00:40:01 UTC  


2021-01-12 00:40:03 UTC  

Furthermore, Trump isn't that rich, most of his money goes into things America wise

2021-01-12 00:40:19 UTC  

bro he's super rich

2021-01-12 00:40:34 UTC  

Not really. All of his money has to go into literally fixing America

2021-01-12 00:40:39 UTC  

He lost money while being president

2021-01-12 00:40:44 UTC  

A lot of money

2021-01-12 00:40:45 UTC  


2021-01-12 00:41:03 UTC  

I can barely afford to keep all my bills on time, compared to that Trump with his literally gold plated penthouse is pretty damn rich ha

2021-01-12 00:41:07 UTC  

How many Presidents have kept the economy in a decent shape during a 'pandemic'...
while not taking lobbying...
and also being yeled at all the time.

2021-01-12 00:41:11 UTC  

Yeah that’s why I somewhat dislike the community when it’s supposed to be about “intolerance of other people”

2021-01-12 00:41:23 UTC  

well he's going back to his business now

2021-01-12 00:41:26 UTC  

How ignorant can you be

2021-01-12 00:41:44 UTC  

i would be way more rich if these hoes didnt keep breaking down my door to see me. ugh doors are so expensive 😩

2021-01-12 00:41:53 UTC  

Well I disagree, we should block out China, and stop doing deals with them. They only seem to want to ruin our country, we've tried reasoning with them as well, among other things as making deals, but tbh China sucks ass.

2021-01-12 00:42:05 UTC  

I dont know if America is doing that well atm economic wise , like Amrica compared to europe had a really hands free approach to the pandemic

2021-01-12 00:42:21 UTC  

Our economy was doing great before this Pandemic.

2021-01-12 00:42:24 UTC  

@JTrey93 havent you met trump? lol

2021-01-12 00:42:25 UTC  

It would be good for the country, but some rich people wouldn't probably like.

2021-01-12 00:42:34 UTC  

I agree

2021-01-12 00:42:35 UTC  

that's true

2021-01-12 00:42:47 UTC  

biden is gonna be a sucky president

2021-01-12 00:43:09 UTC  

China is worse than NAZI Germany, they've killed many more people and have many more in concentration camps. Many millions more than the nazis

China will inject people with a drug to paralyze them, and then later harvest their organs. More practical than killing and keeping them on life support.

2021-01-12 00:43:12 UTC  

Me and trump workin on this election

2021-01-12 00:43:25 UTC  

lmao oh hsit

2021-01-12 00:44:20 UTC  

Considering what could have happened?
I believe that if Clinton had won, she would have handled this by shutting everything down, and allowing all of it to be sold to China.
People who criticise his handling of the pandemic don't know how lucky they are to have someone who supports the country above all things.

2021-01-12 00:44:38 UTC  

Well if you know the book "wealth of the nations" in it explains literally the first concept that made the English and Dutch so powerful during the colonial period, open your borders to trade and grow both the economic of your enamy and you but be sure your grows faster , also china is still selling things to America but witha vietnam logo , literally the oldest trick in the book

2021-01-12 00:44:57 UTC  

i truly believe if hillary hadve won covid wouldnt exist because china wouldnt of had a reason to release it upon the world lol

2021-01-12 00:45:13 UTC  

how come that look photoshopped lmao. you head has a white glow around your beard