Message from @ELIS314

Discord ID: 798567545820807179

2021-01-12 14:52:22 UTC  


2021-01-12 14:53:07 UTC  

Sorry, European Nationalism angers me, its based almost entirely on lies and nonsense

2021-01-12 14:53:13 UTC  

I always wondered that, I heard many were young males too. It's like a strange way to slowly invade.

2021-01-12 14:55:14 UTC  

from what I understand multiple nationalities living together creates a lot of divide, mainly due to culture clash, like the muslim religions treat women like posessions and don't give them any rights. While European and wetern cultures are like, yeah sure you can show your face.

2021-01-12 14:55:29 UTC  

Tbh the economy of the world is changing, a key part of the economy in the modern age is people abroad sending money back to their families in another country

2021-01-12 14:55:59 UTC  

that's true

2021-01-12 14:56:10 UTC  

I've heard that is quite popular in many countries

2021-01-12 14:56:48 UTC  

In Romania we have a big portions of parents leaving their kids home with their grandparents while they go to work in spain

2021-01-12 14:56:52 UTC  

Or Italy

2021-01-12 14:57:40 UTC  

I can relate, take the Haitian diaspora in Canada, they sent 3 billion to Haiti and what do Haitians do with it ? Spend it all for unnecessary stuff

2021-01-12 14:57:43 UTC  

wow that's far away to work

2021-01-12 14:58:10 UTC  

I don't understand, why do they send 3 billion to Haiti anyway?

2021-01-12 14:58:37 UTC  

I actually have a friend who never seen his parents because they live outside the country were they work and just send money to the grandparents to raise him

2021-01-12 14:58:52 UTC  

The thing is Europe is simply put, multiple nationalities. My own nation, the UK, has consisted of Englishmen, Welshmen, Scotsmen and Irishmen for many, many years, even if you go beneathe nationhood we have vastly different cultures, Cornishmen, Scousers, Geordies, Yorkshiremen. All people with different cultures and beliefs, the same is said across Europe, we are one of the most densely populated continents on earth and we've continuously been mobile, Frenchmen in Spain, Germans in France. We have Muslim nations such as Kosovo in Europe. The European Nationalism is simply based on White Nationalism

2021-01-12 15:00:10 UTC  

The French didnt had one language across the entire country until the French revolution

2021-01-12 15:00:33 UTC  

But Europe is white though, it's where Europeans originated from, just like Africans from African or Asians from Asia

2021-01-12 15:00:47 UTC  

My own language is a mix of French, German, Latin etc etc

2021-01-12 15:01:08 UTC  

And China for centuries had multiple languages being spoken within it , the Chinese alphabet us actually designed so it could be read by people who speack different languages without them needing to know each others language

2021-01-12 15:01:26 UTC  

At least the old version

2021-01-12 15:01:31 UTC  

A lot of Europe does have white skin but why does that matter? We have never been united by it

2021-01-12 15:02:19 UTC  

You have Slavs, romance and germanic, those are really different to

2021-01-12 15:02:38 UTC  

It is honestly sad that they don´t go back to their Countries to help rebuild the Communities like my Great Grandparents did after the second World War, atleast those parts that are safe again. I also heard that some refugees are from parts that aren´t even near of being invaded and just pretend to be refugees so they can get money. Sure I would understand it if they came with their Families (Wife and kids) but they are mostly young males. But not like males that want to start a new live in another Country to work there and stuff but rather because of free Money. I would also understand if they came here to work to send money to there families abroad but they mostly don´t work and spend it on Iphone 12s

2021-01-12 15:03:04 UTC  

How does most of europe not have white skin?

2021-01-12 15:03:06 UTC  

I mentioned it because you mentioned White nationalism. You also noted all the various groups in the UK, scotts, English etc, while they are all different they still have a European way of thinking, a greater European culture.

2021-01-12 15:03:12 UTC  

Normally it’s to help the country like building schools and infrastructures (from the 2010 earthquake) but the people in Haiti mostly spend the money from Haitian workers in Canada and United States.

2021-01-12 15:03:13 UTC  


2021-01-12 15:03:34 UTC  

Europe is the Continent of white people

2021-01-12 15:03:40 UTC  

ah ok

2021-01-12 15:03:42 UTC  

like africa the continten of blacks

2021-01-12 15:03:52 UTC  

You know balkaners are really different from nordic people in their way of thinking

2021-01-12 15:03:58 UTC  


2021-01-12 15:04:07 UTC  

White Nationalism is just nonsense thats why I mentioned it, its never united us

2021-01-12 15:04:24 UTC  

I never said it wasnt

2021-01-12 15:04:36 UTC  

Oh i am dumb

2021-01-12 15:04:38 UTC  

but it isn't

2021-01-12 15:04:39 UTC  

excuse me

2021-01-12 15:04:50 UTC  

i read most of europe doesnt have white skin

2021-01-12 15:04:51 UTC  

pardon me

2021-01-12 15:04:53 UTC  

oh nvm yeah it is

2021-01-12 15:05:08 UTC  

no they all white

2021-01-12 15:05:15 UTC  

i know