Message from @Deadly_Ramon

Discord ID: 562948034628026369

2019-03-29 07:28:28 UTC  

Can't imagine what my electric bill would be like.

2019-03-29 10:38:40 UTC  

It depends @mxngxxse

2019-03-29 10:39:37 UTC  

If something with 40 cores and 80 threads that would need 1000w, but that doesnt mean it's going to use 1000w entirely

2019-03-29 10:40:46 UTC  

So 4 systems with just 4 cores and 8 threads with a decent amount of ram and HDDs I'd assume 500-600w for one

2019-03-29 10:42:30 UTC  

But it would be pulling at most 390-450w without a taxing gpu

2019-03-29 10:43:04 UTC  

As servers dont need a GPU unless an igpu to see things

2019-03-29 21:09:33 UTC

2019-03-29 21:09:44 UTC  

my simple set up

2019-03-30 17:53:05 UTC  

that rbg tho. Looks sick

2019-03-30 18:18:21 UTC  


2019-03-31 01:06:13 UTC

2019-03-31 01:06:28 UTC  


2019-03-31 01:06:59 UTC

2019-03-31 18:02:53 UTC  

One day I'll own a gaming day I will rise

2019-03-31 18:58:07 UTC  

@gauravtee Once you complete your studies, you will climb the social strata and wind up with income sufficient to afford the hardware needed to indulge in the hobby.

By the way, all that RGB lighting is just an expensive gimmick. Looks nice, but I'd rather see what's going on in the game. The clear chassis panels are good for measuring dust accumulation, at least.

2019-03-31 19:29:37 UTC  

measuring dust accumulation lmaooo

2019-03-31 19:32:28 UTC  

@gauravtee Dusting the PC's innards is an essential part of PC maintenance, and a clear panel with inside lighting makes it easy to notice when it's time to use some compressed air.

2019-04-02 20:18:50 UTC  

'An examination of the thumb drive showed it contained malicious malware, agents said.'

As opposed to benign malware <:haha:550081069744128000>

2019-04-03 10:25:32 UTC  

@Deadly_Ramon I dust my pc every 3 weeks, does wonders do temperatures

2019-04-03 10:25:32 UTC  

GG @HeeHeetler, you just advanced to level 3! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-04-03 10:34:30 UTC  

@HeeHeetler Sounds like overkill, but dusting a bit too often is better than not dusting enough.

2019-04-03 10:35:08 UTC  

Yeah it might be the area i live in, its dusty. So i gotta dust more often than others

2019-04-03 10:37:28 UTC  

@HeeHeetler I read that unseating the CPU's heatsink and reapplying thermal paste every 2 or 3 years also stabilizes its temperature, but that sounds way too precarious for me.

2019-04-03 10:41:01 UTC  

Well i overclock aswell and the temps never reach 80*C

2019-04-03 10:41:08 UTC  

so atleast there's that

2019-04-04 05:55:56 UTC  

new white keycaps

2019-04-04 13:19:27 UTC  

Trojan horse lol

2019-04-08 02:32:27 UTC  

**I've said this a multiple times on my server but for those you that aren't on my server here is what I have to show you! Well this thing I speak of is a VR headset and it basically tops the "best" on the market, and this VR headset that I say is better than the best is the Samsung HMD Odyssey +, but didn't I contradict myself there yes YES THE FUCK I DID! The headset that I was saying was the "best" or well considered the best is the HTC Vive pro, I will state why I find the HTC Vive Pro to be a hunk of plastic in a just a few seconds. Right now I am going to go into details with the Samsung HMD Odyssey +, the Odyssey + comes with two adjustable lenses and two 1440 x 1600 displays that are AMOLED which means you will get a super crisp image and nice color contrast, this headset also comes with two non-removable earphones but they get the job done for VR gaming, this headset also comes with two VR controllers that pair straight to the headset. What is good about this headset unlike the Vive pro is the fact that it doesn't come with a bunch of wires nor does it have cameras that you need to set around your room! This headset has all the same specs as a Vive pro but doesn't cost way to much and also has double the resolution in a way as they have pixels that fill in the holes on the screen!**

2019-04-08 02:33:26 UTC  

**The HTC Vive pro goes for 1300-1400 dollars with everything while the Samsung HMD odyssey + comes with everything and better displays for 350 dollars!**

2019-04-08 02:34:22 UTC  

**The odyssey comes with two wires that plug straight into your PC and it is ready to go!**

2019-04-08 02:34:51 UTC

2019-04-08 02:34:58 UTC  

Look how clean that image is

2019-04-08 02:35:40 UTC

2019-04-08 02:35:56 UTC  


2019-04-08 02:35:59 UTC

2019-04-08 02:36:30 UTC  

Here is the link to a Samsung HMD Odyssey +

2019-04-08 02:40:33 UTC  

I would look into getting this if you were planning to look into buying a VR headset on the market

2019-04-08 02:40:55 UTC  

@Deadly_Ramon Your opinion?

2019-04-08 02:58:53 UTC  

@djancak What do you think?

2019-04-08 04:20:14 UTC  

@Deleted User You had me convinced the other day when you told me about that mixed VR set in the voice channel. If all the VR games I own support it, then I will certainly consider that when looking for a new VR solution.