Message from @GodEmperorGillan
Discord ID: 562233539773333545
Oh cool - I used to feed mine live too. Other snake owners kept pushing for me to feed frozen but that’s not how they roll in the wild soo
@TayHornibrook I'd rather feed live snakes to my birds.
What kind of birds?
That's adorable tbf
Smiling sammy
she is 17 years old
She looks rly good for 17
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@TayHornibrook I just noticed your question. 3 parrots, two Amazons and an African Grey, ages 33, 27, and 23.
@TayHornibrook The yellowhead is 33 years old, the redhead 27, and the grey is 23.
they talk?
@TayHornibrook The African Grey does, extensively, when he thinks nobody is looking. The Amazons chatter a bit, imitating the tone of human conversation, but have a more limited vocabulary.
This clip from my Youtube page is of the redhead saying "hello" a couple of times and then lunging at me, clanging his beak against the cage. He does so playfully, I can pet him whenever I want, but to a clueless observer his actions might appear hostile.
Good pupper
My intensely pliable male cat Dust
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Laser eyes hehe
This is Max, he likes to lick plastic sometimes so I got to hide it from him.
that's a fat cat
Yeah he’s pretty chubby. He sleeps all day
Wakes up for food
Then lays by the door