Message from @AH5.45×39
Discord ID: 573607722939973632
My patrol rifle. 5.56mm Black Rain SPEC-15
Nice one mate @[DOGSC] Julian Darklight
GG @GodEmperorGillan, you just advanced to level 9! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
Here in the Philippines I’m stuck at airsoft
Legal guns are hard to obtain
Ma Deuce
Which do y'all think is the better GP round US M-855 or Russian 7n6? My thinking on home defense makes me lean towards thec7n6 since it was made to tumble once it hits soft tissue...
@GodEmperorGillan holyyyyyyyy
he definitely wins the Darwin award
What job does everyone do here
are guns even legal for people from facebook land?
I bet that is a 22
The kind of gun Americans like me carry with them every where they go.
Guns are very hard to get in the UK
GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
sounds like you need some freedoms, Jared
Well@its election gun bun in the Philippines right now
Well it doesn’t help that the government are saying they’re patrolling the internet looking for extreme and terrorist content as an excuse to invade people’s privacy. If they find you guilty, you can face up to 15 years in prison
This country is turning into 1984
*The UK
Amerimutts, plz gibs up gunz
this is why women's political liberation was a mistake
Women’s rights in general was a mistake