Message from @GodEmperorGillan
Discord ID: 581371644115681290
sounds like you need some freedoms, Jared
Well@its election gun bun in the Philippines right now
Well it doesn’t help that the government are saying they’re patrolling the internet looking for extreme and terrorist content as an excuse to invade people’s privacy. If they find you guilty, you can face up to 15 years in prison
This country is turning into 1984
*The UK
Amerimutts, plz gibs up gunz
this is why women's political liberation was a mistake
Women’s rights in general was a mistake
GG @Black Plague, you just advanced to level 8! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
It's called the 2nd Amendment you dumb cunt!!!
Even if you kill all of them, I'm still not giving up my rights.
@GodEmperorGillan the navy needs to stay on the ocean or in a river...
Nah there are green side of thr Navy
They are cucks