Message from @HeilJUDEN
Discord ID: 566085653251489812
@moonie ☾ is this in India? Indian mcdees allows free refills? LOL they didn't do their market research in India it seems
@gauravtee they doooo, most people just sit on their tables and work on their laptop while taking free refills of pop
carbonated drinks are disgusting. They're almost as bad as Indian chai
I do not get it why americans would drink such horrible sugary deteriorating sodas, they arent even good for you at all, hundred percent
drinking sugary carbonated drinks is worse than smoking weed
yeah and yet they says weeds is bad while theyre shallowing down horse size bs pills coming out of jewdoc
what kind of pills do you think are bad?
i take like 6-7 pills a day lmao
@gauravtee yooooo same i upgraded to 9; but yes carbonated drinks are nasty
What is the best place to get free ebooks? I tried all torrent sites and searched everywhere but I can't find a free ebook version of the book I am looking for
Hey guys I have a 500 word essay due tomorrow about Ben Shapiro's thoughts on NAFTA, can someone tell me about that?
@UsernamesDontExist in which class are you allowed to write an essay on Ben Shapiro lol. You can't even say his name on a college campus these days
@gauravtee hey
Never mind I rushed it in an hour lol
My political science class, but my grades have been suffering the more I talk about conservative values.
@Deleted User @Black Plague @Deleted User help me 😢
First off delete your porn stash
second off try blocking these sites you get on
third try getting out more
Hello my son @HeilJUDEN
I got my dick stuck in the power outlet again
GG @Genocide., you just advanced to level 2! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
Tips on getting it out?
GG @HeilJUDEN, you just advanced to level 7! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
Block off the power outlets around you house @Genocide. 😉
does meditation help?
I don't do any meditation, but I set my mind on other things like friends etc
If I get too close to them I’m gonna want to stick my peepee in
I do gym and fap so it's a balance of bad and good, I wanna take away the bad
Don’t go to the gym @HeilJUDEN
Well get rid of all the things that make you want to fap. Get rid of the lotion lube, block sites like I stated etc. I don't mean for you to get away from the computer has a man needs some down time
@Genocide. nigga I am addicted to it, it's like a weak cure to fapping, it helps me not do it but yeah
@Deleted User I'm gonna turn on safe search for my google