Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 559988909287800832
There are a few things terribly wrong with western culture. Tipping is one of them
Tipping is retarded
You have a pay for a reason.
why are restaurant waiters in america exempt from minimum wage laws?
GG @gauravtee, you just advanced to level 12! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
I insults whores whose dress hijabs as "combating the patriarchy culture" unknowing the Islamic is medieval level patriarchy culture.
@gauravtee 'An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 an hour in direct wages if that amount plus the tips received equals at least the Federal minimum wage, the employee retains all tips and the employee customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips.'
@gauravtee probably because they make hella $ in tips
@eleanor rigby Ever notice how the namblacrats misuse and overuse the word literally?
Hmmm no but I’ll have to keep that in mind
He’s just a straight dumbass tho. Looks and sounds like a transgender male
Can I play games on discord app or just computer ?
@eleanor rigby Discord shows what games we're playing and even sells games. I haven't explored all of its features at length, but it appears to display games we're playing on a variety of platforms, including desktop/laptop computers and phones & tablets.
I can see the game you play, yes
One of the main villains in Far Cry 3 is played by the guy on the left, Michael Mando. He's a lot less restrained in the game than he is on Better Call Saul.
@eleanor rigby you don't really play games on discord. You can link discord with a game you are playing. You can play silly little games on discord if I set up a game bot on this server. Those will be like card games and stuff. You should be able to play those on your phone as well
Is nobody online. Lame
I is
I too
@gauravtee I need gf bro
Where’s a dating server nigga
@Deleted User it's called tinder
@gauravtee it’s full of nasty peeps
i can guarantees you that the Tinder in Russia is full of STD hoes. they really have aids and hivs
theyd ask for money and etc. yikes tf??? Can’t post in anti sjw I’m on a ban
Animal cruelty Fair warning
Oh snap
I saw that part lol
What do you do for a living?
@eleanor rigby you’re ugly