Message from @GodEmperorGillan

Discord ID: 564449313460060161

2019-04-06 16:26:10 UTC  

@gauravtee - nah, I left. I came back after another cucked fag got me banned. Spazzed out? You gonna go with that whole "u mad bro" ?

2019-04-06 16:27:04 UTC  

Anyone who is a white man who isn't fucking enraged at this situation is the one who is broken in body and spirit. I am still quite in this fight and I am still quite enraged by what has happened to my nation and my people.

2019-04-06 16:31:15 UTC  

@Black Plague nah it's him

2019-04-06 16:31:30 UTC  

oh shit

2019-04-06 16:31:34 UTC  

its the legendn himself

2019-04-06 18:16:42 UTC  

A legend in my own mind, working on making it stick as a reality on the world.

2019-04-07 00:11:34 UTC  

@Black Plague DM me now

2019-04-07 03:07:07 UTC  

why do you want me to dm you

2019-04-07 09:18:33 UTC  


2019-04-07 11:00:26 UTC  

Guys has fb ever asked anyone to upload their valid IDs?

2019-04-07 11:00:26 UTC  

GG @Krypton96, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-04-07 11:03:34 UTC  

Like this

2019-04-07 13:33:49 UTC  

Is this special lil idiot in here?

2019-04-07 13:34:09 UTC  

I hope to fuck not

2019-04-07 13:35:08 UTC  

I am pretty sure my latest ban came from that worthless bitch

2019-04-07 13:35:33 UTC  

At first I thought she was ironic and that shit but turns out she’s just a cunt

2019-04-07 13:37:14 UTC  

But her opinion is worthless cause she’s British

2019-04-07 13:37:14 UTC  

GG @Black Plague, you just advanced to level 7! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-04-07 14:00:03 UTC  


2019-04-07 14:49:02 UTC  

@Krypton96 yes. I submitted my driver's license

2019-04-07 15:57:34 UTC  

@gauravtee lulz I made a fake and submitted

2019-04-07 17:16:36 UTC  


2019-04-07 17:21:27 UTC  

Oy vey goyim..

2019-04-07 18:16:55 UTC  

@Krypton96 yo wtf lmaoooo

2019-04-07 18:17:11 UTC  

what indeed...

2019-04-07 18:17:14 UTC  

bro fb knows that aadhaar will not accept a pic like that

2019-04-07 18:17:27 UTC  

you could have at least made it believable with a proper pic

2019-04-07 18:17:39 UTC  

WHAT PIC?!?!?!

2019-04-07 18:17:43 UTC  

you really live in Pune @Krypton96 ?

2019-04-07 18:18:03 UTC  
2019-04-07 18:18:11 UTC  

yeah and?

2019-04-07 18:18:20 UTC  

you asked lmao

2019-04-07 18:18:25 UTC  

Clearly, I want to know too

2019-04-07 18:18:52 UTC  

is the picture bashing niggers/jews/mussies???

2019-04-07 18:19:16 UTC  

I am currently banned, so I have no checked facebook for a bit

2019-04-07 18:20:15 UTC  

What the fuck are you talking about?

2019-04-07 18:22:57 UTC  

" bro fb knows that aadhaar will not accept a pic like that
you could have at least made it believable with a proper pic " 👈🏻 THIS

2019-04-07 18:44:45 UTC  

yeah, I was replying to @Krypton96

2019-04-07 20:13:52 UTC  

@Karnix Please don't post shit that goes against discord TOS