Message from @gauravtee

Discord ID: 570662006156165155

2019-04-24 10:34:53 UTC  

Oops typ

2019-04-24 10:35:00 UTC  


2019-04-24 14:43:22 UTC  

Spoil endgame

2019-04-24 15:23:26 UTC  

So what are you easter worshippers up to today?

2019-04-24 16:25:32 UTC  

@gauravtee We have a chance of strong to severe storms in my area from now through late tonight. I'll be disconnecting my hardware before commuting to work.

2019-04-24 17:11:42 UTC  

||someone dies in endgame||

2019-04-24 17:11:42 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-04-24 17:11:57 UTC  

what do you mean by disconnecting your hardware @Deadly_Ramon pls elaborate on that

2019-04-24 17:12:21 UTC  

@gauravtee From electrical outlets, to protect against power surges and lightning strikes.

2019-04-24 17:12:38 UTC  


2019-04-24 17:12:45 UTC  

use a surge protector bro

2019-04-24 17:12:50 UTC  

it's standard in india

2019-04-24 17:13:03 UTC  

everyone uses them here

2019-04-24 17:13:23 UTC  

@gauravtee I do, but I trust them to protect against brownouts and blackouts more than a direct strike.

2019-04-24 17:13:26 UTC  

for all our important appliances and gadgets

2019-04-24 17:13:30 UTC  

@gauravtee What's your opinion on Indian Pewdiepie?

2019-04-24 17:13:47 UTC  

The NZ YouTuber who worships India

2019-04-24 17:13:56 UTC  

haven't heard of him. Link?

2019-04-24 17:27:04 UTC  

yo wtf he looks exactly like pew 😂 😂

2019-04-24 18:06:44 UTC  

@gauravtee I don't worship on Easter. Fuck the Christian's God.... which is also the Muslim God, so fuck both groups, but mostly Muzzies

2019-04-24 18:47:26 UTC  

@Deadly_Ramon utterly untrue. They are indeed the same God.

2019-04-24 18:50:25 UTC  

Yall don't like to admit it, but it is historically verifiable and true.

2019-04-24 18:52:19 UTC  
2019-04-24 18:58:42 UTC  

God is just an idea. It doesn't exist. So whether or not it's the same God is irrelevant.

2019-04-24 19:08:17 UTC  

@Deadly_Ramon once you remove the "biblical take" and look at historically accurate evidence, it's a simple fact that they are the same God. Just two of three different takes on that God.

This is why Judaism, Christianity and Islam are referred to as "Abrahamic Religions". They all descended from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

2019-04-24 19:16:17 UTC  

@[DOGSC] Julian Darklight Non-Trinitarian cults like the LDS and Watchtower Society might have derived from Christianity, but that doesn't mean that their conception of God is equal to the Bible's; neither does Islam's supposed derivation from Judeo-Christianity prove that its conception of God is Biblical.

'This study examines the crucial question that needs to be addressed which is whether the God presented in the Quran is indeed the same God revealed in the Holy Bible. The Quran alleges that the God of Islam, Allah, is indeed the God of Abraham and hence the God of Scripture, Yahweh Elohim. But is this the case?

Are we to assume that just because the Quran states that Allah is Yahweh of the Bible that both Jews and Christians are obligated to believe this to be true? Or do we examine the nature and attributes of Allah in order to compare them with the biblical portrait of Yahweh to find if this is the case? '

2019-04-24 19:24:51 UTC  

@Deadly_Ramon I will address the first paragraph by saying that whether or not Allah is biblical, does not really matter. What matters is historical accuracy. Muhammad clearly states that his God is the God of Abraham, Isacc and Jacob. Secondly, Jews worship the same God, no one denies that, but they don't believe Christ was the son of God and that seems to be the defining factor in these articles.

2019-04-24 19:26:00 UTC  

@Deadly_Ramon the attributes of both gods are extremely similar. A lot of vengeance, an order to expand the belief, and forgiveness.

2019-04-24 19:26:19 UTC  

So a failure of proof, imo, on both fronts.

2019-04-24 19:31:07 UTC  

@[DOGSC] Julian Darklight You keep citing historical accuracy as if that settles the argument, but claiming that one's opinion is historically accurate doesn't make it axiomatic. The left does that all the time, typically after revising history to whitewash its sordid past.

'The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.'

2019-04-24 19:31:40 UTC  

We have to mostly judge a belief by what is written down by it's founders and seen as Gospel. The writing of Mohammed clearly states, many, many times, that his God is the same God of Abraham. The same God Christian's and Jews descended from.

Why should we take him at his word? Cause he said so. Why do we take Jews and Christians at their word about their god and who they worship? Cause they said so.

2019-04-24 19:32:38 UTC  

Yes.... but I'm not whitewashing or changing history. Mohammed himself, stated this. It's recorded fact.... I don't see how that is altering history

2019-04-24 19:33:36 UTC  

Your right, the past is not alterable. It can not be changed. What Mohammed stated, what was written down, is not being changed by me.

2019-04-24 19:33:42 UTC  

It is unalterable

2019-04-24 19:33:45 UTC  

@[DOGSC] Julian Darklight The New Testament states that Jesus is both fully divine and fully human, who died on a cross and rose from the dead. The Koran says that Jesus is just a prophet who didn't die on the cross, and that observing his divinity is blasphemy.

2019-04-24 19:35:14 UTC  

@Deadly_Ramon that's true. But the debate there isn't the God in question, it's whether or not Jesus was the son of God or a prophet.... the same debate that Christians have with Jews. But I'm the case of Christianity and Judaism, no one denies that they worship the same God because they clearly do.

The same is true, very clearly true, for Islam

2019-04-24 19:35:14 UTC  

GG @[DOGSC] Julian Darklight, you just advanced to level 4! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.