Message from @eleanor rigby
Discord ID: 577381895860518913
@𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖊𝕭𝖊𝖉𝖔𝖚𝖎𝖓 link doesn’t wrk
@eleanor rigby works for me and other servers, think this is more you
hey just joined, happy to be here!
Hello!! @SassWhole
GG @Deadly_Ramon, you just advanced to level 10! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
I’m gonna say the N word
This is very random , but I just got this notification for a post from almost 2.5 years ago. It’s starting !!!
@eleanor rigby I posted that to my Facebook page in 2016, viewable only by my friends, and 36 minutes ago I received a notification indicating that it was covered for violence.
Dude wtf FB is cracking down on memes like fr fr. That’s crazy!!! I went ahead and just deleted it. Don’t even care about it.
Don’t care about it enough for FB to mess with me, is what I mean.
I heard yesterday that Instagram was gonna start cracking down on memes. So here ya go. Same owners same rules
Is that the dude that tried to stab ppl at@Ohio State? That is the incident where I first saw Brian grossman in anti sjw proclaiming it was a false flag😂
Oh sorry I think the dude tried to run ppl over actually. Can’t remember
@eleanor rigby I couldn't (and still can't) remember the story behind that meme/photo, either.
Zuckerberg needs to go
can't have a psychotic man child run th e show
GG @eleanor rigby, you just advanced to level 6! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
GG @GodEmperorGillan, you just advanced to level 10! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
That makes my 3 accounts on a ban
Ok this is epic
Trying to shop for a friend’s bday (gift card) and this shit pops up🤢
so would it be a good idea to shill my book here? @Deleted User
Ask guava boy
ok, since it is something I think this group would be interested
sort of a look into the future I saw five years ago when I first woke up
Sure @Deleted User how awful and imagine the stench !!!
@everyone gather round
The word NIGGER