Message from @SwordX
Discord ID: 775114416270082108
Be absolutely amazing if true
Trump's team has planned for this and has access to a lot of tech that nobody else has. Keep that in mind
Keep in mind this is a Usps blockchain technology, this is to track their mail, not just election ballots. the same usps who was telling their workers to backdate ballots.
Yes but Trump has access to Military R&D and classified stuff we can't even begin to imagine. They are always ahead techwise and Trump is always 3 steps ahead. 4d chess
Look I hear ya but don't put all ur eggs in the usps or that theory that's all I'm saying. It's easy to get carried away with all the jazz that's going on.
@Sword of Geddon, I can't presume to know what SCOTUS will decide.
@CrazyLeo, I occasionally capitalize words to demonstrate emphasis. I'm not shouting, or anything. I try to write like I would normally. Sorry you find it objectionable. We're in general agreement. No need for pique.
@CrazyLeo, yes, USPS, being a union shop, definitely tends Dem. But blockchain itself is nonpartisan. Thus higher levels of government could tailor uses for the data flow that is different from the created purpose. Pretty cool concept, really!
Does "Leo" pertain to law enforcement, astrology, or name? Just curious! I think at this point "crazy" fits us all! LOL!!
Right now based on my own knowledge I see three ways this plays out
Yes I know all about the blockchain aspect of it, I'm invested in crypto n was looking at that tech very closely when it was released, thinking I might make a quick rise lol
It's a very intelligent concept, actually quite brilliant when you look into it and what it does. And your right it is impartial but can also be manipulated.
I have been trying to find more in it and how it worked with the ballots but all I've seen is the red poppy mark under uv light, also there is meant to be a special print on the letter. Both could be manipulated too if in the wrong hands. I'm just hoping trump was all over this like white on rice
Leo is my dog n he is indeed crazy 😁
1. Trump gets SC ruling, Dems ignore, SC and President recognize this as sedition, military used, mass arrests, but under cover of Quantum Based EBS to show the people the truth and silence the MSM and other communication as well.
2. Trump uses the Supreme Court, wins, they count, Trump is shown as the correct winner, Dems have rioting, attempted violent coup. Trump uses insurrection act
Do you not think that would cause an uprise in the lefties damage?
I'm just listing possibilities
They would go into overdrive if the military started rounding them up lol
Thats why you blackout all communications
Stop them from knowing wth is going on
That would too lol
yes it would lol
Has trumps team got access to the count in PA yet?
Not sure
Aww man that would he class
They have been finding ALOT of Trump ballots
We have mini military drones that identify insurrection leaders. They can the do remote brain wave scans which are more individual and recognizable than finger prints. If real seditious violence occurs, we can send mini micro drone weapons against the seditious groups and do decapitation strikes even inside of safe houses.
@CrazyLeo, my crazy one is named Ted. I'd bet they'd make a pair of wild cards! Jokers are wild!!!
@CrazyLeo, I thought the Red Poppy watermark was for CA ballots only. I could be wrong.
Yeah I've no idea what it's for tbh, but that's all I seem to be able to find on it. What seems to be a recurring theme though is the UV light
This person states no watermark, but it's all about the return envelopes, they are the gold dust
This post reminded me that Trump actually had ALOT of Democrats voting for him
Many Dems went to his rallies
So that would rule out the ballot thing yeah?
For it they have the return envelope, they can cheat
And yes at trump later rallies, they were getting near 12000 signing up and usually 50-60 were Democrats
Trump is shattering the Red=GOP only idea
I think they will go with all the thousands of examples of fraud as evidence that they know is obvious. More and more people reporting it too
Rudy said they have OVERWHELMING evidence of fraud and he has a great case