Message from @MiQaelArQAngel
Discord ID: 786407395693035580
Ya nah. Thats where the movie loses me. Its hollywoods trick of proving Jesus was mortal and human.
Well I kind of think he was. He called himself “the son of man”
Yeah movies are ruined for me now
Not the son of God
Idk, I keep an open mind. I think Jesus embodied an ascension of what we all need to become. But he was human. We all have God in us. He knew how to tap into it 24/7. At least that’s the idea I’m exploring
It is good to maintain a spiritual connection to God.
And if it’s true we are genetic descendants, it would make sense why they would want to create an mRNA vaccine
It changes your genetic expression
If these old family bloodlines want to snuff it out, it’s a clear method to do it
@Qrabitt isnt that the worst. You wanna watch a movie but one the of actors like say Robert Deniro is in it. Like the irishman. I wont watch that garbage.
@MiQaelArQAngel thats way above my pay grade. 🤪
Lol, sorry, I’m a biologist. But also very musical and I notice patterns. I’m weird haha
We are all weird. Thats why we are here. If we werent we would be watching CNN
😂 I love you people
Its amazing when you give up control of your mind to Jesus Christ and can hear the gospels for the first time the way he intended them to be heard. Most people cannot.
Very true.
I read the Bible for the first time and it made so much sense
But I never enjoyed church
All the ritual felt numbing
I fee the churches values have been corrupted. Don’t get me wrong the Vatican is beautiful. But is that what Jesus meant? All that wealth and grandeur
Do you follow this youtube channel?
I just started listening to it. I love it
Very inspiring
Okay, so im just going to put it out there. I think the church has been withholding a lot of ancient knowledge. Pyramids are free energy generators. Harmonics and resonant frequencies can potentially be used to regenerate people. But idk, that’s where my ideas get really fringe.
But for the free energy, Tesla cracked that, and his investors backed out. JP Morgan, Oil
Why give up your empire when you can control the world
Using the earths natural resonance, we could tap into the magnetosphere, to transfer energy anywhere around the world. Pyramids apparently could be used by sending water through underground mechanism which create negative charge, the tops were pure gold, best conductor there is. Then they shoot up into the sky, reverse lightning.
Obelisks were the antennas to get the energy down from the magnetosphere.
Any wonder we have a obilisk in DC?
And a pyramid on the back of the dollar bill? With an eye at the top? And it is has written on it, now is the age of Saturn. The Greek titan who consumed his children. And what do our tyrant leaders do?
And on December 21st, Jupiter will overtake Saturn, aligned in time with everything going on right now. So yeah, I think about a lot of out there stuff 😂
I'm a Christian I stick to the Bible. Jesus was the son of God, in fact the physical part of God. I don't believe in any new age stuff, it isn't of God and there are only two sources of supernatural power, God and satan, who can appear wonderful. Bible says to test the spirits, anything that contradicts God's word is not of God and the truth is not in it. But you of coarse are free to believe what you want.
Remember Satan said to Adam in Eden that God was keeping knowledge from them
My advice, be careful
True, but I think about music. Music speaks to us fundamentally.
Music is special
A lot of the things I’m talking about correlate to mathematics and music. Resonant frequencies.
If that’s the language of God, which I believe it is, then that’s where I’m looking.
The Pyramids are perfectly aligned with longitudes of the magnetosphere, in essence it would crest and energy creation that is in harmony with the earth