Message from @MiQaelArQAngel
Discord ID: 786405211157692428
The stormbringer, legendary Thunderbird of Native American legend
Thought it was appropriate
So whats going on anyone still in here?
Guys, I’ve been watching some movies and I’m starting to rethink a lot
V for Vendetta is basically exactly what’s going on
The Matrix felt exactly like my awakening
And now I’m watching the Da Vinci Code and thinking.....”yeah that sounds right”
I cant watch the davinci code.
My first time
I don’t think it’s an amazing move
But the history elements, I could totally see being true
Tom Hanks. pedo
What?! Ugh please no
That’ll ruin some of my favorite movies
Also same for Matt Damon, Ben Affleck not sure about the pedo thing but they sure love telling us how to think.
Matrix good flick.
That I agree with. But as for the history element, I could totally see the church censoring Mary Magdalyn being Jesus wife. And having genetics be a connection to the divine.
Sounds weird, but I’ve always had strong connections with people and things. Indescribably
My uncle said he thinks it’s genetic. He’s one of the only people in my family who has it.
Whatever that is. I could be crazy tho 😂
Ya nah. Thats where the movie loses me. Its hollywoods trick of proving Jesus was mortal and human.
Well I kind of think he was. He called himself “the son of man”
Yeah movies are ruined for me now
Not the son of God
Idk, I keep an open mind. I think Jesus embodied an ascension of what we all need to become. But he was human. We all have God in us. He knew how to tap into it 24/7. At least that’s the idea I’m exploring
It is good to maintain a spiritual connection to God.
And if it’s true we are genetic descendants, it would make sense why they would want to create an mRNA vaccine
It changes your genetic expression
If these old family bloodlines want to snuff it out, it’s a clear method to do it
@Qrabitt isnt that the worst. You wanna watch a movie but one the of actors like say Robert Deniro is in it. Like the irishman. I wont watch that garbage.
@MiQaelArQAngel thats way above my pay grade. 🤪
Lol, sorry, I’m a biologist. But also very musical and I notice patterns. I’m weird haha
We are all weird. Thats why we are here. If we werent we would be watching CNN
😂 I love you people
Its amazing when you give up control of your mind to Jesus Christ and can hear the gospels for the first time the way he intended them to be heard. Most people cannot.
Very true.
I read the Bible for the first time and it made so much sense
But I never enjoyed church
All the ritual felt numbing