Message from @MattyBoyCx
Discord ID: 787199144930312234
I think I rather take that mix of drugs than the vaccine
Vaccine is a tool of the great reset
just like Covid was used
But unlike Covid, Vaccine is sinister
Learned today one of the vaccines has an ingredient called luciferin
Its a biometric tattoo they will place on all vaccinated that will allow them to know who is cooperating. Under Great Reset society it will allow you a normal covid restrictions free life
Anyone who doesnt take vaccine will be lockdown
That’s right
Eventually peopple will have to take it, or be taken to medical camps , given one last chance to take it, if they refuse then, they w ill be branded a danger to public health and trapped
or worse
Also, they eventually will eliminate priviate ownership
All buying will be renting
All things you have will belong to the state and anything more you want will be delivered by drone
All travel will be to recreational activities, seeing family. Eating out. No more buying things in stores
No privacy either
All devices in your home will monitor you
And you will have a chip implanted that records things as well
Also, global depopulation, with sterilization via some vaccines
They say Venezuela was a test try before they went up North
It happened exactly the way you described it
People can still own things and buy if you consider avg salary of $3 per month
Military knows all this stuff, Trump does too
China brought installed and tested all machines to control the internet there
In that video above there is some good intel
They run a social media farm where they can create thousands of accts per day
Trump will use Insurrection Act(among other things), but Antifa and BLM apparently will receive military weapons from china, they say to patriots, don't help fight, guard your communities
They hack or arrest media and other influencers and either steal their accounts or blackmail
It’s incredible the left is ok with this
Trump will be taking down the MSM, Social Media,
Only thing I can think of is they are getting big $ and that’s what makes them feel ok
In the video they spoke of how Lincoln shut down the media as well
Yeah I can’t wait for that. I miss an uncensored sms
Listening to the video now thanks
NP its good
Thankyou for talking with me
Nice chat