Message from @↓»ª«↓Son117Daniel↓»ª«↓
Discord ID: 795785969398841374
Can't believe I never made the connection of Lin Wood being the 'Watch the Water' phrase till now 🤔😁
A pool or collection of water, particularly one above or below a waterfall.
A waterfall, or cataract.
A steep ravine
I believe Trump has ultimate jurisdiction over the National Guard, especially with his Emergency Acts and other acts he has as President which are in effect as well.
Have u a sweet of this?
I saw that yeah
It’s a coffin!
watch the water Llin wood
Lin and Sidney's team=Krakenwood
Holy shit! Yes !
I can't find that meaning for lin
someone posted a dictanary with Lin
I can't get it when I google it.
But definitely kraken could relate to watch the water?
You guys know what this is about?
I use duckduckgo and have less trouble cause Google censorship is ridiculous
Whos ryan dark white?
Name doesn't sound familiar
He was charged with healthcare fraud in 2016... Don't know who he is tho
I'll do a quick search, brb
I must say it is good to have you sharing your thoughts with us in here Qrabbit
Its that johnheretohelp on twitter
I've had him blocked for a long time
There is the bots, the paid trolls(to demoralize and get anons or trump supporters angry), then theres the fake anons that have gotten people banned
I'll dig more on the 'White' name....
Coming up with several finds 👍🕳️🐇
Its definitely JohnHereToHelp @Ivan Trowbridge
Okay 👍👍
Tried to sue the AGs in 2017, hot thrown out
He is a larp