Message from @yourfavblonde
Discord ID: 796542574784544784
within 6ft a pocket knife is better than a gun.
Let this platform be for him
Quit being pussies and do something
He said the words "election fraud"
Theyre gonna try 25th him before he insurrection acts
Today was a matter of time of when not how
fake quote dude
I think General Flynn knows the plan. He seems to know a lot more of what's going on
I got drunk and loss the chat
lmao. I also have a bat so they can come if they want to 😂
Was that really it?
@realpersonpltcs COME IN VOICE!
@slugs cause trump supports aren’t their team
Shoot your way out
Yes! LG
THERE IS NO MORE VOTING LOL. it was stolen?1
Theyre kicking the shit out of patriots inDC
we'll be poisoned with mandatory vax by next election
@xBenJamminx exactly
It’s only 3 here so he may still be working.
They flagged them for that reason before they deleted them
I don’t know what’s going on anymore
Nothing was broken or set on fire
Yup. It’s fine if blm does it
Great point Ben
Where r u seeing this
Only thing that will save trump is if Lin Wood releases all his shit,