Message from @MoonCore

Discord ID: 580083444210728989

2019-05-20 17:17:16 UTC  

>Teacher tells us to prepare for Bible Quiz

2019-05-20 17:17:42 UTC  

>groups us to 6 groups with 8 people each

2019-05-20 17:17:54 UTC  

>teacher says Choose your own

2019-05-20 17:18:08 UTC  

>Everyone Chose Everyone else expect for me

2019-05-20 17:18:37 UTC  

>tells teacher that I have no Group

2019-05-20 17:18:59 UTC  

>technically a Muslim cuz wy not

2019-05-20 17:19:15 UTC  

>teacher decided to place me to thid group

2019-05-20 17:19:35 UTC  

>group consists of literal idiots

2019-05-20 17:20:25 UTC  

>"fuck, why is he here" says one of my groupmates

2019-05-20 17:20:33 UTC  

>literally turned outcast

2019-05-20 17:21:10 UTC  

>Just read the Bible for no Reason

2019-05-20 17:21:22 UTC  

>Days Later

2019-05-20 17:21:35 UTC  

>group knows theyre screwed

2019-05-20 17:21:45 UTC  

>pays no attention at all

2019-05-20 17:22:03 UTC  

>they're still talking

2019-05-20 17:22:15 UTC  

>ask one of the other groups to lend the bibile

2019-05-20 17:22:55 UTC  

>reads 1/4 of the bible in 1 Hour for some reason

2019-05-20 17:23:08 UTC  

>session ends

2019-05-20 17:23:55 UTC  

>teacher announces that the prize for winning is Basically Passing the Whole Quarter

2019-05-20 17:24:07 UTC  

>Everyone loses their minds

2019-05-20 17:24:30 UTC  

>giving no fucks whatsoever

2019-05-20 17:24:42 UTC  

>day of the Bible Quiz

2019-05-20 17:25:05 UTC  

>every group is looking hella smug

2019-05-20 17:25:21 UTC  

>first question comes

2019-05-20 17:25:32 UTC  


2019-05-20 17:25:59 UTC  

>teacher forgets to announce some Rules and shit

2019-05-20 17:26:15 UTC  

>questions came

2019-05-20 17:26:27 UTC  

>literally almost all of them

2019-05-20 17:26:46 UTC  


2019-05-20 17:26:52 UTC  

Cool story bro

2019-05-20 17:27:16 UTC  

>literally gets called by every other group to joim their group

2019-05-20 17:27:28 UTC  

>quiz ends

2019-05-20 17:27:36 UTC  

>teacher announces the scores

2019-05-20 17:27:51 UTC  

>i carried the group and got 72/80

2019-05-20 17:27:53 UTC  

You understand that this is not 4chan, right?

2019-05-20 17:27:57 UTC  


2019-05-20 17:28:21 UTC  

What's a 4chin?

2019-05-20 17:28:24 UTC  

whats wrong with green texting in discord

2019-05-20 17:28:24 UTC  

Aww. You’re no fun @Xychotic

2019-05-20 17:28:29 UTC  

Hey, if you're gonna be Muslim, are you going online and reminding everyone to subscribe you pewdiepie?

2019-05-20 17:28:31 UTC  

Let the man green text