Message from @Five, Seven, and Two

Discord ID: 583891789514276876

2019-05-31 05:16:54 UTC  

I mean that there are few ways to channel anger productively within this co ntext.

2019-05-31 05:18:33 UTC  

Then maybe the lesson to be learned is how to channel it elsewhere in your life.

2019-05-31 05:19:28 UTC  

Solving solutions hurts you. Doing nothing kills you.

2019-05-31 05:19:54 UTC  

I get incredibly angry when I fail at something. Particularly with myself, or perhaps others involved, but that doesn’t mean I just try to destroy it all on the spot because I came up short.

The answer to anger does not need to be “direct it only at the thing causing it”.

2019-05-31 05:22:21 UTC  

Well that's the thing. If I'm angry about something at work, I can channel that and work to fix it.

In that way, it can be used correctively. In this case, getting angry at blatant injustice...and then what?

And maybe you're onto something five, seven and two. I'll hit the gym.

I guess my knee-jerk is to work to fix the problem directly. One can't really do that in this context. Look at all the good that has done for MRAs.

2019-05-31 05:26:34 UTC  

The hardest loss I ever took was a practice boxing match. 4 rounds, 3 minutes each. Guy really got me, I mean *really* got me early on and I was punch drunk but on my feet. Lost by a point. Dude was an asshole, too, hyper sore winner, gloated, I had a problem with him for weeks.

Some times, no amount of rage can be channeled to “fix” the thing that caused it. He left the gym two weeks later (he was juicing, shocker) and I had to figure out how to cope with no Round 2, no resolution, no way to earn my pride back.

2019-05-31 05:30:15 UTC  

Something about the whole situation really stuck in my craw and I drove myself to a sprained wrist training. So I’m not sure what the vent will be for you; could be the gym, could be building ships in a bottle, for all I know.

But that anger’s like a full gas can. You’re stuck with it and you can either burn it off or light the whole fucker up in one go. But it doesn’t go away without being burned up.

2019-05-31 05:30:48 UTC  

That's a lot to consider.

2019-05-31 05:31:06 UTC  

Thanks for taking the time to type up all of that.

2019-05-31 05:31:46 UTC  

I’ve got the time now, just listening to offshore support struggle with a development issue. <:lolz:480186121897377792>

2019-05-31 05:34:20 UTC  


2019-05-31 05:34:25 UTC  

Glad we have a least one place like this. It's sort of a funny thought. I mean having a place strictly for men to share their thoughts.

I hope you stick around, Five, Sever and Two. And the rest of these dudes, too.

2019-05-31 05:34:33 UTC  

By offshore support, you mean engrish speaking hindi's?

2019-05-31 05:34:40 UTC  


2019-05-31 05:35:08 UTC  

@Rhunespire Yes, exactly.

2019-05-31 05:35:17 UTC  

Nailed it.

2019-05-31 05:35:45 UTC  

@DeliriumT I dip in and out; been a roller coaster recently, but trying to stick here a bit more.

2019-05-31 05:35:53 UTC  

Missed you guys, all told.

2019-05-31 05:36:51 UTC  

Aww we missed you too buddy. Lol

2019-05-31 05:36:54 UTC  

@Rhunespire I’m understanding maybe 35% of what they say. The gist seems to be all my production shit is up and good, but a Windows update nuked their server and I’ve never heard 10 people struggle so hard to rebuild a virtual instance.

2019-05-31 05:37:30 UTC  

“Offshore saves money, though.”

2019-05-31 05:37:31 UTC  

Good work Hermit and mods. Let's hope discord doesnt go the way of basically every other social media platform.

2019-05-31 05:37:33 UTC  

Dont you just reset and reload?

2019-05-31 05:38:03 UTC  

@Rhunespire How dare you suggest that. What are you, anti-diversity? Reee!

2019-05-31 05:38:25 UTC  

@DeliriumT We can build new stuff on the run, if it comes to it.

2019-05-31 05:38:44 UTC  

But I'm right aren't I?

2019-05-31 05:39:01 UTC  

I wouldn't be surprised if we end up needing to do just that

2019-05-31 05:39:01 UTC  

*Who hurt you?* (Yes, you are.)

2019-05-31 05:39:35 UTC  

Nailed it! 2 for 2

2019-05-31 05:39:52 UTC  

I’d rather have you here, we’d probably be done by now.

2019-05-31 05:39:58 UTC  


2019-05-31 05:40:05 UTC  

I think you and I would make a great team

2019-05-31 05:40:48 UTC  

I'm not certified, but I know some stuff from tinkering and taking a few college courses.

2019-05-31 05:41:50 UTC  

Not certified, either. No college.

2019-05-31 05:42:22 UTC  


2019-05-31 05:42:23 UTC  

Still know how to rebuild a VMware server. There’s a fucking UI with buttons that walk you through it.

2019-05-31 05:42:32 UTC  


2019-05-31 05:42:35 UTC  

is your friend

2019-05-31 05:43:29 UTC  

You’re asking automatons to operate outside their logic rails. If it’s not in the script they have right in front of them, it doesn’t exist.

2019-05-31 05:43:56 UTC  

I... really wish that was more of an insult than a statement of reality...

2019-05-31 05:43:57 UTC  
