
Discord ID: 266422013701128196

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New, just checking out the server. Long time listener however.


I could bang on with a question like that

In summary, to be around people who can think for themselves. People that don't flinch from the truth. People that think like I do.

I'm 33, Army veteran, in the process of a relatively painless divorce.

I've taken a few dips into the dating pool, and it's been really amusing to observe the same kinds of bullshit behavior pop out. But it's been even better to see it for what it is.


I got a couple buddies that were Navy

I think what's been grinding at me a little is watching the females at work receive preferential treatment. For example, the two females at work both of have a caseload of 7-10 people. The males, myself included, are 25-30. And we're paid the same.

Just one

I did one tour, reenlisted while over there for Okinawa. I did my last three years over there.

Six in total

Nah, case manager

I work with men exiting prison

I help get them established with a job, place to stay and whatever other resources are needed.

The success rate is fairly high

It really depends on whether the I individual has made the choice to get their shit together, stay sober, and abstain from criminality.

It's really apparent when the choice has been made.


Most of them are pretty blue-pilled

Hopelessly so, I would guess

Their idea of a good life is the typical American dream bs with some parasitical wife/gf.


I've been following mgtow for awhile now

I don't remember where I first heard the name. It might have been through Alex Jones, or maybe Red Ice

Likely, it was something disparaging. I don't generally take a talking head's words for truth until I've looked into it myself

Mgtow is full of self-evident truth. I'm surprised more haven't found it

He was asking where I heard of mgtow, and I can't remember exactly when. I just recall following Alex Jones and Red Ice pretty closely back then. I've been following mgtow content for maybe 5-6 years now.

Yeah, it would seem that way.

Once one is disabused of the notion that girls are sugar and spice, there is no going back.

Hmmm. I'm not sure what it means exactly to be mgtow in a general way. I guess for me specifically, I avoid long-term attachments. I don't feed any egos. I don't white knight. I generally ignore most females because 90% of the shit they say is retarded. I'm a minimalist, because debt is slavery. But coincidentally, that helps starve the tax machine that buoys all those stronk and independent whamen.


Well, I'm divorcing. And have been 'single' for about four years now. She's in Virginia, and I'm on the west coast. I'll be legally single in another month.

Nah, I stated it that way because although I left her behind, we were still legally married.




Where to even start with that one

None, but she did run up a bunch of debt on my credit lines while I was in rehab.

About 13k worth of debt

But nothing more from the actual divorce

I've already paid most of it off tbh. I left with a ton of guilt. We got together like almost as soon as I came back stateside.

The guilt was from all the drinking. I started drinking after Iraq, and just kept right on with it after I got out.

Was up to about a liter of vodka/day at my worst

I still held down a job and made academic honors in school

Yeah, and some other stuff

But yeah, I felt guilty so I just paid off the debt.

Haha, yup

Been sober for nearly four years now.

I don't miss it

Thanks :D

I come from a long line of criminals and addicts.

It seems that way sometimes, especially once one can spot the disfunction. I meet alcoholics all the time, who haven't even realized yet that the hook is set. C'est la vie.

I was communications

When I joined, the mos designation was 31u, but was changed to 25u after a couple years in


I liked the work

I'm guess that's our version of a TOC

How long were you in?

Nah, it's basically just a command room, really. It might be different by the division, but it's where command for our flight operations was located.

Signal, intelligence and flight ops

Yeah, sounds about right. Lot's of waiting, and then bursts of activity. I stayed pretty busy, mostly, but we had a fews day where things were pretty slow. My year in Iraq flew by, as did my three in Okinawa. I loved it over there, but fucking hated my unit. Most of them had never deployed, and it seemed more like glorified boy scouts. I turned the recruitment officer down and went on my merry

I'm about to pick up a van, convert the interior and live out of that while I save money. There's lots of cheap land down south and in the midwest. And some counties don't have building codes, so I won't have to worry about some governmental busybody telling me what I can and can't build.

I'm ready for Doom Eternal

I have no idea

I'm gonna snag it no matter which platform they use. I know some have strong feelings about Epic.

Some don't like it because the ability to review a game has been removed.

Also, Epic has apparently made some shady, undercuff deals to secure exclusive releases. I think some are just really loyal to Steam.

Basically ^

Looks like Brawny paper towels, made by Georgia-Pacific is campaigning for women and woke points. I won't be buying their shit anymore.

"Strength has no gender."

You'd think these companies would learn after Gillette put out that commercial, and their stocks took a nosedive.

Any van life mgtow in here?

I'm getting ready to convert a van

Cut my expenses to the bone, stack money and buy some acreage. No building codes in Missouri

Yeah, PO box

Most mail can be handled digitally though

Bank statements, etc

Ping me if anyone wants to discuss it more. I think it's a great way to ghost and stack moneym

Hot spot

And most businesses have wifi

RVs are cool, but expensive on gas. I guess it all depends on why one wants out of housing.

I also feel it's noteworthy that the average American spends around 50% of their income on rent/mortgage.

That's a crime imo

Convert a van

Solar panels, etc

Yeah, imagine if your living expenses were 500 a month and you could save that 1500

And it's not like there's a female trying you down or whining about needing more space


Stack all that money lost on rent/utilities. Keep enough money for repairs, etc. Ez street


I reckon I can have enough saved in three years to buy me 20 acres outright.

YouTube search aussie vandweller @hawk

Heaps down there

Nah, some counties don't have a land tax

The midwest and the south is where it's at. Stay away from the coasts. Pure lefty cancer

Same..I'm escaping portland

South coast isnt bad

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