Message from @LPA FreeNeko (Hermit's Youth)🇺🇸

Discord ID: 593631818855612426

2019-06-27 02:37:30 UTC  

Adidas does all of that

2019-06-27 02:37:43 UTC  

And its urban camo

2019-06-27 02:37:58 UTC  

I wear a monk garb

2019-06-27 02:38:05 UTC  

As I roam the streets

2019-06-27 02:38:11 UTC  

i did loss prevention in a top 25 department store and the top area to get hit was mens clothing, all the guys stealing name brand stuff to impress the thots and then we busted their asses

2019-06-27 02:38:39 UTC  

And why did they cancel it? That looked bad ass!!

2019-06-27 02:38:47 UTC  

Because it looked nice

2019-06-27 02:38:55 UTC  

They can't deviate now

2019-06-27 02:39:02 UTC  

They still have more live action movies to make

2019-06-27 02:39:06 UTC  

Damn that was pretty cool

2019-06-27 02:39:18 UTC  

Live action 'Song of the South'

2019-06-27 02:39:22 UTC  

@Renegade9009 beats me but now ima be the only upcoming mouse thing and its gonna be dark

2019-06-27 02:39:36 UTC  

Was there a pattern on what type of person stole more?

I wonder if they only ever talk to me because they either need help with their hw, somebody to intel gather on, or because of my clothing and heavy lack of normal socializing, thinking I'm a future school shooter, and trying to "stop me".

2019-06-27 02:39:47 UTC  


Something tells me it's mostly that last one.

Especially after those damn Nazi accusations.

2019-06-27 02:40:15 UTC  

never saw an asian steal. besides that every other demographic. mothers using kids, grandmas, teens

Never fully recovered from that.

Glad I left that school.

2019-06-27 02:40:55 UTC  


Although I know I'm just switching who is gonna try to indoctrinate me.

2019-06-27 02:41:18 UTC  

Bitches don't care about "stopping you"

2019-06-27 02:41:18 UTC  

You mind breaking down the demographics roughly?

2019-06-27 02:41:27 UTC  

You're interesting

2019-06-27 02:41:30 UTC  

Because you're alone

2019-06-27 02:41:43 UTC  

What I read an IQ of 85 is the sweet spot for criminality

2019-06-27 02:41:45 UTC  

Bitches love novelty

2019-06-27 02:42:12 UTC  

You're reading to far into women

I suppose I do sometimes give them too much credit.

2019-06-27 02:43:05 UTC  

I was thinking that we operate much more on instincts than we believe.

2019-06-27 02:43:58 UTC  

If you can recognize something you're doing and change it you're already better than most people

It weirds me out though, because even though I got the looks to potentially be an "Alpha (Look almost the exact same as my brothers), I definitely don't have the mannerisms of one.

2019-06-27 02:45:46 UTC  

Yes, I agree, but some of our actions may be automatic and we then rationalize them later, I think women fall more into this trap.

2019-06-27 02:45:51 UTC  

Bitches only see pretty faces.

So it confuses me as to how I have "appeal".

2019-06-27 02:46:14 UTC  

If you try to understand women you'll be confused a lot

2019-06-27 02:47:16 UTC  

You have too read under the lines to understand women, and look at what they do not waht they say.