Message from @shadowlessnexus

Discord ID: 595478602041262082

So yeah, she's a fucking idiot.

Just like the rest of them.

2019-07-02 04:19:25 UTC  

Keep us updated until she eventually crashes<:incel:480186125756006400>

It's fools like her, the rest of my cousins (except that one that left the state), and my older brother that makes me, the isolative faggot, look like a saint in comparison

2019-07-02 04:30:14 UTC  

Y'all need to man up and get a ||trap|| gf UwU

>implying I don't @ChaonThe5th

2019-07-02 04:50:33 UTC  

chaon stop scaring the innocent shitposters

2019-07-02 04:50:42 UTC  

i require not gay hugs

2019-07-02 04:51:27 UTC  


2019-07-02 04:51:30 UTC  

plz hug

2019-07-02 04:52:21 UTC  

Is shadow scared and vulneeable uwu

2019-07-02 04:54:16 UTC  

no i just want more hugs

2019-07-02 04:54:32 UTC  

ahri is asleep. shes tired because she ran a marathon

2019-07-02 04:58:53 UTC  

what are your guy's alignments

2019-07-02 04:58:56 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus I can give you a hug

2019-07-02 04:58:57 UTC  

good, evil, neutral?

2019-07-02 04:59:00 UTC  

i'm chaotic neutral

2019-07-02 04:59:07 UTC  

...what is this d&d

2019-07-02 04:59:11 UTC  


2019-07-02 04:59:15 UTC  

i dont play that

2019-07-02 04:59:22 UTC  

just never have

2019-07-02 04:59:24 UTC  

works with real life too

2019-07-02 04:59:27 UTC  


2019-07-02 04:59:36 UTC  

im chaotic neutral.

2019-07-02 04:59:45 UTC  

ill invite you to my server but ill also make you bitch of the serverr here

2019-07-02 04:59:47 UTC  


2019-07-02 04:59:51 UTC  

@dani I'm chaotic neutral with chinese characteristics

2019-07-02 04:59:58 UTC  

see. thats chaos theory

2019-07-02 05:00:09 UTC  

as long as it benefits me

2019-07-02 05:00:12 UTC  

thats how mafia works

2019-07-02 05:00:48 UTC  

see im so chaos i just didnt invite you to my server. because it doesnt even exist

2019-07-02 05:00:50 UTC  

got ya

2019-07-02 05:01:27 UTC  

either way it would be dead because everyone is chatting in here

2019-07-02 05:02:32 UTC  

yea. my server that doesnt exist

2019-07-02 05:02:35 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus If you wanted hugs just cuddle ahri

2019-07-02 05:02:36 UTC  

jew shut up

2019-07-02 05:02:41 UTC  


2019-07-02 05:02:54 UTC  

also she needs a break. because she ran that marathon

2019-07-02 05:03:57 UTC  

How does one figure out their. Allignment @dani

2019-07-02 05:05:19 UTC  
