Message from @MemyselfandI
Discord ID: 797282106132004864
This is too stressful imma go play with some star wars legos anyone in?
You guys think i’m joking but i’ve got Emperor Palpatines throne room right in front of me
I am four👆🏻
It doesn't matter my dude. Some other corrupt asshole will take his place.
The house is gonna vote to impeach trump monday
So small and an easy target for the left-wing media. I remember Radio-Canada (French CBC) viciously attacking Bernier
my rep sux
bro our seat was republican for 40 years
and now we have a democrat
sad sad world
They gonna impeach him for what trump far right supporters ( antifa dressed up) doing stupid stuff?
idk what trump did
its not like he even told anyone to commit violence
Pence said that he won’t impeached him but Pelosi (even if Joe Biden in) ... she’s a crazed woman
We're trying to win a fight where the opposition isn't actually at the table, they're just paying assholes to fight us.
I CANt believe she won again
A endless conga line of assholes
ITs nuts
Impeachment is to make sure Trump can't run in the future.
kind of pathetic
reddit is a cesspool
There was a dude paid to hack election... claims trump won 400+ electoral and says he won’t testify unless he is given safety
Isn't that illegal? Wouldn't that make them a publisher?
Yo, is reddit really filled with that many far left people?
to the brim
That's mean to the cesspools.
if the republicans had any spine they should impeach kamala harris day one because she called for BLM protests
antifa was paid to go storm the building according to some
I think the ywould have done it for free
Anyone right of Stalin get's banned lmao.
supposedly cop cars escorted the mto the front before it started