Message from @silentlore |*FREEHK*ðŸ‡ðŸ‡°â˜âƒ
Discord ID: 721811635169263677
Thats the point
Bbbut BLM isn't an organisation you rrrrrrrrracist
to bad that it will be viewed as not doing socialism right
it just happens, ethank
Who's the woman who says idiots in all the videos?
Thats secretly Tyler himself
I knew it!
He's actually a middle aged black woman.
No, that's Elijah Schaffer@[TDE] Smokie
Nope. Its Tyler. Look at his profile pic. Its totally him. Every other Sunday we go to the same black church. He dresses in black face (which is now ok because liberals do it) and puts on his fancy yellow sun dress and we go to church.
Its rough too... cause she yells idiot at everyone we see... though being a middle aged black woman no one seems to mess with him.
Maybe they're the same?! 🤯
@[TDE] Smokie he can now get away with black face! As a black woman, I give him a pass for a limited time only
So if we have people of color then what are white people? Are we not people of color as well?
whites are *people not of color*
@Builder1 neither are blacks if that's the case
Not of color but I thought white was all color
Well at least all the colors in the rainbow
@Drayko 191cm white is the absence of colour whilst black is the combination of colour. So neither are a colour
So orange man bad?
This is the Zeducation discord right?
im pretty sure
First time I noticed the link in his videos. Just wanted to make sure, thanks.
@silentlore |*FREEHK*ðŸ‡ðŸ‡°â˜âƒ if you are talking light, white is all colors, but if your talking something like ink, black is all colors.
You can mainly find him in sports
@Mr. Bones yes, its recently created. Like couple days... so thats why you haven't heard of it before
@silentlore |*FREEHK*ðŸ‡ðŸ‡°â˜âƒ white is all the colors we can see, black is the absence of color
Space is black, no color.
Use a prisim on white light and you see all colors
@[TDE] Smokie can I post about animals anywhere
Or in a specific section
Animals? Like? Farm stuff? @PlP3 CL3AN3R G0D
Yea pigs for example
@[TDE] Smokie. Thanks.
Why do I get daily spikes of deja vu? I don't remember experiencing deja vu every day a couple months ago
Also, does anyone else experience daily deja vu?